Mindy Nichamin New Media Coordinator 

Social Networking in 2012


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Pew SNS Age Over Time

Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project is an increasingly valuable resource to our work at Pew has been conducting surveys related to social media since 2005. Last week, Pew released data on the demographics of social network users , including gender, race, age, education, income, and urbanity. Social networks surveyed include Pinterest, Instagram,…

Storify: Curating Social Media for Worlds AIDS Day 2012


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World AIDS Day logo

On December 1, 2012, agencies across the U.S. Government joined together to observe World AIDS Day. To demonstrate the theme of “Working Together for an AIDS-Free Generation,” agencies used social media to share policy updates, release new data, promote HIV testing, and address HIV stigma. Social media moves fast, so you may have missed some…

Infographics: Applying Visual Design to Information


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How do you make data look good – and mean something too? Information graphics, or infographics as they’re commonly referred to, attempt to do just that: visualize data in an engaging way. Infographics turn numbers into pictures, or take select data and represent them in a way that is easy to understand and visually appealing….

Twitter on the Rise


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Twitter Usage Over Time

Last week, the Pew Internet & American Life Project released the 2012 version of their annual report on Twitter use.  As soon as I read the news about the report (via Twitter!), I shared it with the rest of the the team, released an tweet about it, and decided to write this blog…

The New Facebook Timeline: A Tool in Response to HIV


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It’s estimated that 96% of Facebook users never revisit fan pages once they hit the “like” button. We at hope this changes with the new features of the Facebook timeline for Facebook Pages. Three months ago, Facebook announced that Facebook Page owners had a month to update their profiles to the new timeline format…

Digital Storytelling: A Community Tool to End HIV Stigma


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All the Truly Important Things - Digital Storytelling

At we’ve been thinking a lot about the power of storytelling. In the HIV community, everyone has a story to bring to the table, and more people are sharing theirs with new media. Many tools are available to help to facilitate storytelling and have conversations around HIV. One example of a tool used to…

Road to AIDS 2012 Town Hall Meetings Kick Off

Road to AIDS 2012 SF Town Hall

Co-authored by Mindy Nichamin, New Media Coordinator

Last month, the first Road to AIDS 2012 Town Hall meeting kicked off in San Francisco, California. This was the first of 15 meetings to be held across the country leading up to the XIX International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2012) (note: every Road to AIDS 2012 meeting…

Ready to Join us in Facing AIDS for World AIDS Day 2011?


Co-authored by Mindy Nichamin, New Media Coordinator

Write. Snap. Share.

That’s how easy it is to participate in’s Facing AIDS 2011 for World AIDS Day (December 1) photo initiative — back by popular demand!

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