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Saipan Beach Road

The project area is located along Saipan Beach Road on the southern half of the western coast of Saipan Island. It was authorized under Section 14 of the Flood Control Act of 1946, as amended. The project was completed in April 1992 at a cost of $93,400 (Federal funds), it consists of a 1,000-foot reach of Beach Road protection extending northward from the intersection of Monsignor Guerrero Road (Wallace Highway) and the Beach Road intersection.

The project is a combination of beach fill and plant stabilization. Ironwood trees and selected ground cover were planted along the backshore berm area to provide added protection and stabilization. The project provides protection to Beach Road while maintaining the recreational and aesthetic value of the shoreline fronting Beach Road and minimizing the environmental, coastal, historical, and archaeological impacts on Saipan Lagoon. The local sponsor is the CNMI Government.