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Kihei Beach

The Kihei Beach Shore Protection Project is located at Kalama beach park on the southern shoreline of Maui. The project was authorized under Section 103 of the River and Harbor Act of 1962, as amended. It was completed in December 1971 at a cost of $308,626 (Federal: $154,313; Maui County: $154,313).

The existing project consists of a protective stone revetment, 2,610 feet long with crest elevation of 8.0 feet Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW). The revetment on the seaward side is armored with 1,000-pound stone placed on a slope of three horizontal to one vertical. The revetment toe is placed on the underlying coral strata excavated to a depth of 4.5 feet below MLLW. The local sponsor is the Maui County.