

Provide Tax Relief and Certainty to American Families

Fundamental tax reform is a critical component of any plan to address our nation’s debt crisis once and for all.  If we truly want to get our budget deficit under control, we need to get our economy going again.  Unfortunately, our tax system hampers economic growth, forcing the average American family to pay more in taxes than it spends on food, shelter, and clothing combined.

I strongly support providing tax relief to American families and those who create jobs and grow our economy, but I cannot support efforts that simply provide temporary relief or put Band-Aids on a system badly in need of overhaul.  I believe a simpler, fairer tax structure would promote economic growth and empower families in Idaho to make the decisions that they believe are best for their family.  The first order of business—and most effective course of action—should be to sunset the current complex and unfair federal tax code and replace it with a simple and fair alternative.  I have cosponsored legislation to do so.  A new tax code should provided tax relief for working Americans, protect the rights of taxpayers, reduce tax collection abuses, and eliminate disincentives for savings and investment.

Learn More About:

Eliminating the Death Tax

Extending the Bush Tax Cuts and the Fiscal Cliff