United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Soil Survey Manual - Proposed Changes

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Vesicular Porosity

The two proposals shown below present different ways of designating vesicular porosity in soil horizons. Please review these proposals and comment on which of these two options you support. You may indicate complete support, support with your suggested changes, or complete rejection of either or both of these proposals. Comments should be returned to the national leader for Soil Survey Standards, Mr. Cameron Loerch, at Cameron.Loerch@lin.usda.gov, by October 15, 2012.

Proposals for content in Chapter 3, Examination and Description of Soils

The proposal shown below has not been adopted into NCSS standards. The posting on this webpage does not constitute formal approval. Comments on this proposal may be returned to the national leader for soil survey standards, Mr. Cameron Loerch, at Cameron.Loerch@lin.usda.gov.