Triumph Underway Profile
Triumph Underway Profile
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Maritime Security
Ship Operations Cooperative Program
Maritime Research & Development
Inland Container on Barge
Intermodal Access to U.S. Ports and Marine Terminals

USNS Triumph (T-AGOS-4) (Retention ship)

Triumph is a Stalwart- class ocean surveillance ship.  Launched by the Navy in 1984, the Navy’s Military Sealift Command operated Triumph during the latter years of the Cold War.  The vessel was removed from service and anchored under a reimbursable custody agreement at the Suisun Bay Reserve Fleet from 1994 until 1995 and then from 1996 until October 2009.  At that time, the Navy transferred the vessel to the Maritime Administration.  Triumph is currently in the National Defense Reserve Fleet retention program, logistic support status, as a source of major equipment spares for the training ships Kings Pointer and State of Michigan, which are also former Stalwart-class vessels.

Triumph Profile (second vessel)
Triumph Profile (second vessel) Triumph Underway Profile Triumph Underway Profile