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Our Mission ...

The creation of this website is to help educate and inform the public about the history of the Nuclear Ship Savannah by exploring the crew, ship design, construction, and voyages. It will be a forum for information and news - past, present, and future - on the N/S Savannah itself and the future of nuclear power in merchant ships.

It will feature photographs and anecdotes from Savannah alumni and friends as well as featuring authors currently developing documentaries and books on this historical landmark. This site will also support and report on the activities of the Maritime Administration (owner/licensee of the ship) and the N/S Savannah Association, Inc., (a non-profit corporation dedicated to preserving the ship).

Please bookmark this website. And, while you're at it, go to our Related Website Links page and bookmark the Maritime Administration's N/S Savannah Project website.

Latest Headlines
  • Gala Scheduled to Commemorate 50th Anniversary of SAVANNAH's Launch (Check News & Notes for details)
  • Gala Event Directions
  • Gala Event Silent Auction Items
  • New YouTube clips on the Savannah--including its launching
  • N/S SAVANNAH Association Forms a Non-Profit Organization
  • N/S SAVANNAH Association and N/S SAVANNAH Alumni & Friends Websites Consolidated

© The content of this website is, for the most part, from the public venue or considered fair use. The photographs, stories, and anecdotes submitted by N/S Savannah alumni and friends remain the property of those individuals. The header, page layout, and side bar menu content are unique to this website and are copyrighted by the developer DV Freeman 2008/2009.

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