Aaron Schock

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            Speaking on the House floor

                 Ways and Means Committee

             Presiding over House Chamber

Sponsored & Co-Sponsored Legislation in the 113th Congress 

Bills Introduced by Congressman Aaron Schock 

Bills Co-Sponsored by Congressman Aaron Schock

The Legislative Process

This page contains links to educational documents related to the federal legislative process.

Tying It All Together: Explains the legislative process

How Our Laws Are Made: A detailed description broken down in chapters of how a bill becomes a law

The Declaration of Independence: The full text of the Declaration of Independence

The Constitution of the United States: The full text of the U.S. Constitution
Historical Information: From the Office of the Clerk of the House

Committee Hearings

List of Today's Hearings Compiled by the House Radio-Television Correspondents' Gallery

Congressional Committee Materials Online via GPO Access

Proceedings of the House

The Congressional Record is the official transcript of the proceedings and debates of the U.S. Congress

The full text of the Congressional Record is published the day after each meeting of the House or Senate.

Learn more about the Congressional Record.

A summary of what is currently happening on the Floor of the House is available as the debate occurs.

You can also view the House Floor schedules for this week and the House calendar for the current year.

Roll Call Votes

A roll call vote records how each Member of the House voted.

Learn more about compiling a Member voting record.

Rules and Precedents of the House

The House Rules and Precedents are the official documents that spell out the process by which legislation is considered by the House and its committees; as well as specifying the authority of the officers and committees of the House.

Several collections of material explaining the rules and precedents are available through the House Rules Committee:
Schedules of the House

Various schedules of upcoming House activities are available.

On a daily basis, there is the Majority Leader's Daily Floor Update.

On a weekly basis, there is the Weekly House Program prepared by the Clerk of the House.

On an annual basis, there is the House Schedule compiled by the Clerk of the House and the Majority Leader's annual House Calendar.


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