National Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationNODC, National Oceanographic Data CenterDepartment of Commerce
NOAA Satellite and Information Service

High resolution (1/4 degree) Temperature and Salinity Analyses of the World's Oceans. Version 2

High resolution (1/4 degree) Temperature and Salinity Analyses of the World's Oceans associated with Objective Analyses of Annual, Seasonal, and Monthly Temperature and Salinity for the World Ocean on a 1/4degree Grid (pdf, 2.1 MB) by T. Boyer, S. Levitus, H. Garcia, R. Locarnini, C. Stephens, and J. Antonov, published in the International Journal of Climatology, 25, 931-945.

Version 2 replaces the original 1/4 degree fields as of December 4, 2003. The diffeences are very small between the field. The 5-grid median smoother was modified so as not to smooth with data from adjoining basins which should not mix. This affects very few areas, one example being the area between Iceland and Greenland at 500 meters depth. Also, small basins which do not exist in the 1 degree land/ocean mask but do exist in the 1/4 degree, were given the average value for the basin for all 1/4 degree squares as a first guess field. Previously, these small basins had been given the 1 degree value from the closest basin with data. This affected very few areas as well, namely the very deep Sulu Sea and the very deep Mediterannean.

The 1/4o grid climatological mean fields of temperature and salinity for the annual, seasonal, and monthly time periods were calculated using objective analysis techniques which were basically the same as those detailed in the World Ocean Atlas 2001 temperatur. Stephens et al, 2002) and World Ocean Atlas 2001 salinit. Boyer et al, 2002) for the 1o grid climatological mean fields, with differences as described in the methods

DOWNLOAD GRIDDED FIELDS (Information how to download and read the data)

Temperature Salinity
MonthlySeasonal Annual MonthlySeasonal Annual
Jan. t001_v2.gz Winter t013AV_v2.gz Annual t000AV_v2.gz Jan. s001_v2.gz Winter s013AV_v2.gz Annual s000AV_v2.gz
Feb. t002_v2.gz Spring t014AV_v2.gz   Feb. s002_v2.gz Spring s014AV_v2.gz  
Mar. t003_v2.gz Summer t015AV_v2.gz   Mar. s003_v2.gz Summer s015AV_v2.gz  
Apr. t004_v2.gz Autumn t016AV_v2.gz   Apr. s004_v2.gz Autumn s016AV_v2.gz  
Ma. t005_v2.gz     Ma. s005_v2.gz    
Jun. t006_v2.gz     Jun. s006_v2.gz    
Jul. t007_v2.gz     Jul. s007_v2.gz    
Aug. t008_v2.gz     Aug. s008_v2.gz    
Sep. t009_v2.gz     Sep. s009_v2.gz    
Oct. t010_v2.gz     Oct. s010_v2.gz    
Nov. t011_v2.gz     Nov. s011_v2.gz    
Dec. t012_v2.gz     Dec. s012_v2.gz    

DOWNLOAD GRIDPOINT FILES (Information how to download and read the data)

Gridpoint file. gp) - a measure of the reliability of the analyzed values of temperature and salinity.
For each gridpoint, the gp file contains the number of surrounding gridpoints within the smallest radius of influence for the objective analysis which contain mean values. In other words, this is the number of points used to objectively analyze a value at a given gridpoint.

Temperature Salinity
MonthlySeasonal Annual MonthlySeasonal Annual
Jan. t001gp.gz Winter t013gp.gz Annual t000gp.gz Jan. s001gp.gz Winter s013gp.gz Annual s000gp.gz
Feb. t002gp.gz Spring t014gp.gz   Feb. s002gp.gz Spring s014gp.gz  
Mar. t003gp.gz Summer t015gp.gz   Mar. s003gp.gz Summer s015gp.gz  
Apr. t004gp.gz Autumn t016gp.gz   Apr. s004gp.gz Autumn s016gp.gz  
Ma. t005gp.gz     Ma. s005gp.gz    
Jun. t006gp.gz     Jun. s006gp.gz    
Jul. t007gp.gz     Jul. s007gp.gz    
Aug. t008gp.gz     Aug. s008gp.gz    
Sep. t009gp.gz     Sep. s009gp.gz    
Oct. t010gp.gz     Oct. s010gp.gz    
Nov. t011gp.gz     Nov. s011gp.gz    
Dec. t012gp.gz     Dec. s012gp.gz    

  Last modified:    Thu, 13-Sep-2007 18:01 UTC
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