Threat Advisory Defcon alert - Elevated
United States Department of Defense -




Assignment Incentive Pay (AIP)

Assignment Incentive Military Pay is the military’s preferred way to compensate troops from all services. Assignment Incentive Military Pay is often paid to service members for unusual assignment circumstances.

Those service members who have involuntarily extended their tours in Iraq and Kuwait combat zones receive an additional $200 in hardship duty pay and another $800 in assignment incentive pay for a total of an extra $1000 a month. Those service members in certain skills who have served 12 months Iraq and Afghanistan and volunteer to agree to extend their tours receive this assignment incentive military pay.

They receive additional pay for extensions including $900 per month for a 12 month extension, $600 a month for a 6 month extension and $300 a month for a three month extension. Service members with critical intelligence skills will receive up to $1000 a month for each month’s extension. Service members in other areas such as South Korea may also receive Assignment Incentive Military Pay for extensions of their tours.

The Assignment Incentive Military Pay Program has become extremely popular and is the military’s preferred way to compensate troops from all of the services for certain unusual and extended assignments. The pay cap was increased to $3000 a month Assignment Incentive Military Pay is taxable unless in a combat zone.



