Consumer Price Index - March 2011

The Honiara Consumers Price Index for March 2011 rose 1.1% from 152.9 in February to 154.5 The increase was largely driven by a general rise in food and fuel prices.

The domestic Food sub-index rose 2.8% on account of increases in the prices of flour, which went up 2.6.% to $191.67/25kg bag, cabin biscuit 4.3% to $1.83/pkt, coconut biscuit 2.6% to $2.33/pkt and fresh fruit & vegetables at the Honiara market, notably slippery cabbage (up 21% to $6/kg), pepper (26% to $22/kg) and tomatoes.

These, coupled with slight increases in the prices of imported sugar and canned meat such as, pork luncheon meat and curry chicken had resulted in a 1.7% rise in the overall Food sub-index.

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Demographic and Health Survey 2006/07 Final Report

The results of this survey will provide policy makers and planners with detailed information in fertility, family planning, infant and child mortality, maternal and child health and nutrition, and knowledge of HIV and AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.

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National Accounts (GDP estimates)

This new set of release contains both nominal and constant price GDP estimates for 2003 to 2006. The 2003 and 2004 revised figures are final. The 2005 and 2006 estimates are however, still provisional

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Merchandise Trade - March Quarter 2008

The merchandise trade balance recorded in the March quarter 2008 showed a deficit of $158.7 million. This was a decrease of $63.8 million from the preceding quarter and $93.1 million from the previous corresponding quarter.

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Visitor Arrival - June Quarter 2007

International travelers to the Solomon Islands in the June quarter of 2007 confirmed a total of 7,589 persons. This records an increase of 22.5 per cent compared to 6,197 in the March quarter of 2007. The change has effected from an improvement on the travelers of two categories which includes visitor (36.8%) and returning resident (16.8%) though a reverse stream is recorded for the intending resident category that is a decline of 5.8 per cent that was out-weighed in absolute numbers by the other categories

Click here for available data

office news and developments

Village Resource Survey

The Solomon Islands National Statistics Office is conducting a nation-wide Village Resources Survey VRS in preparation for the 2009 national census of population.  A total of 50 field officers who worked in pairs formed a total of 25 teams to visit all the villages in the country. A malaria survey will also be completed along with the VRS. The four months survey kick started in October 2007.

For more information, contact the Statistics Office

Research on Gender Based Violence and Child Abuse 2007(GBV)

Gender Based Violence (GBV) Solomon Islands in-country office has been established. The office has recruited personnel for the first phase of the (qualitative) survey.

For more information, contact the Statistics Office

Solomon Islands Demographic and Health Survey (SDHS) 2006/07

The Solomon Islands Demographic Health Survey 2006/7 SDHS have been completed. Field operation was completed in April 2007 and Data processing was completed in May 2007 as scheduled.

ADB Consultant Han Raggers who designed the SDHS data processing system has returned to the Solomon Islands in June 2007 to run preliminary tables. Tabulation process of DHS for both Solomon Islands and the Marshall Islands will be finalized thereafter; both countries completed the survey in 2007.

Solomon Islands Poverty Analysis

The Pacific Regional Macro Economic and Poverty Reduction Advisor -David Abbott is in the Solomon Islands from 22nd of May to 8th of June 2007 to calculate the Solomon Islands national Basic Needs Poverty Line and estimate the incidence of basic needs poverty in the country.

A draft report of the Solomon Islands National Basic Needs Poverty Line and the incidence of basic needs poverty in the country is presented to the supervising Permanent Secretary - Shadrack Fanega.

For further inquiries, contact the Statistics Office

Key Statistics

2003 Mal 231,267
        Fem 217,019
2004 Mal 237,626
        Fem 222,484
2005 Mal 242,927
        Fem 228,339
2006 Mal 248,944
        Fem 234,139
2007 mal 255,063
        Fem 239,963
2008 mal 261,214
        Fem 245,778

CPI - Annual Ave. Inflation (%)
2001 7.8
2002 9.3
2003 10.2
2004 6.9
2005 7.3
2006 11.3
2007 7.7

Merchandise Trades
Exports (fob SBD '000)
2005 Mar 166,375
        Jun 188,770
        Sep 207,870
        Dec 225,795
2006 Mar        229,487
        Jun 228,461
        Sep 228,639
        Dec 238,745
2007 Mar 264,653
Imports (cif SBD '000)
2005 Mar 257,578
        Jun 384,302
        Sept 360,459
        Dec 391,361
2006 Mar 369,267
        Jun 382,634
        Sep 449,647
        Dec 459,955
2007 Mar 483,753

Visitor Arrivals
2004Qtr3 2,799
       Qtr4  2,759 
2005Qtr2 2,906
       Qtr3 2,841
       Qtr4 3,653
2006Qtr1 2,762
       Qtr2 3,141
       Qtr3 2,438
       Qtr4 3,141
2007Qtr1 2,817
       Qtr2 3,854
       Qtr3 3,420
       Qtr4 3,657