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Swiss Federal Statistical OfficeSwiss Statistics

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The English pages offer minimum content. Please refer to the French or German pages for full content (use the links on top).

What’s new?

Review: Recent Publications

Outlook: Upcoming Publications

Some highlights


An information magazine of the Federal Statistical Office

Business and Enterprise Register (BER)

Are you looking for your company's BER number? Please send an email with an indication of what you will use the BER for.
» Informations about BER

Last updated: 12.09.2012


Federal Statistical Office
Espace de l'Europe 10
2010 Neuchâtel / Switzerland
Access plan


Information Service 
Opening times:
10.00–11.30, 14.00–16.00
Tel. +41 32 713 60 11

Media Service
Tel. +41 32 713 60 13

(no statistical information)
Tel. +41 32 713 66 66

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