Key Personnel

Simon Y. Liu
301-504-5248 504-7042 simon [dot] liu [at] ars [dot] usda [dot] gov
Special Assistant to the Director
Mary Ann Leonard
301-504-6500 504-7042 maryann [dot] leonard [at] ars [dot] usda [dot] gov
Associate Director, Business Services
Diana Lemon
301-504-5574 504-5472 diana [dot] lemon [at] ars [dot] usda [dot] gov
Facilities Manager
Frank Mastria
301-504-5843 504-5472 frank [dot] mastria [at] ars [dot] usda [dot] gov
Digital Collections, VIVO, and AgNIC Manager
Melanie Gardner
301-504-6207 504-7042 melanie [dot] gardner [at] ars [dot] usda [dot] gov
Associate Director for Public Services
Susan McCarthy
301-504-5511 504-6410 susan [dot] mccarthy [at] ars [dot] usda [dot] gov
Associate Director for Information Systems
Donald Gourley
301-504-6709 504-6968 don [dot] gourley [at] ars [dot] usda [dot] gov
Applications Branch Chief
Vernon Chapman
301-504-5681 504-7473 vernon [dot] chapman [at] ars [dot] usda [dot] gov
Systems Branch Chief
Systems Security Engineer
Susan Phelps
301-504-5869 504-7473 susan [dot] phelps [at] ars [dot] usda [dot] gov
Kelly Harmon
301-504-5788 504-7473 kelly [dot] harmon [at] ars [dot] usda [dot] gov
Special Collection
Stanislaw Kosecki
301-504-7114 504-6927 stan [dot] kosecki [at] ars [dot] usda [dot] gov
Reference Research Services
Rebecca Mazur
301-504-5077 504-6927 rebecca [dot] mazur [at] ars [dot] usda [dot] gov
Agricultural Reference Services (
Reference Desk
301-504-5755 504-6111 agref [at] ars [dot] usda [dot] gov
D.C. Reference Desk 202-720-3434 720-0342 agref [at] ars [dot] usda [dot] gov
Document Delivery
Cathryn Derr
301-504-5879 504-7593 cathryn [dot] derr [at] ars [dot] usda [dot] gov
Special Collections
Special Collections
301-504-5876 504-7593 speccoll [at] ars [dot] usda [dot] gov
Sales Desk (
Perry Ma
301-504-7230 504-7593 perry [dot] ma [at] ars [dot] usda [dot] gov
Strategic Programs Branch
Susan McCarthy
301-504-5510 504-6409 susan [dot] mccarthy [at] ars [dot] usda [dot] gov
Strategic Programs Librarian
Peggy J. Blake
301-504-5568 504-7042 peggy [dot] blake [at] ars [dot] usda [dot] gov
Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
William Thomas
301-504-5724 504-7098 william [dot] thomas [at] ars [dot] usda [dot] gov
Animal Welfare Information Center
301-504-6212 awic [at] ars [dot] usda [dot] gov
Food and Nutrition Information Center
Catherine Klein
301-504-6369 504-6409 catherine [dot] klein [at] ars [dot] usda [dot] gov
Food Safety Information Center
Tara Smith
301-504-5515 504-7680 tara [dot] smith [at] ars [dot] usda [dot] gov
Invasive Species Information Center
Joyce Bolton
301-504-6454 504-6409 joyce [dot] bolton [at] ars [dot] usda [dot] gov
Water Quality Information Center
Joseph Makuch
301-504-6077 504-7098 joseph [dot] makuch [at] ars [dot] usda [dot] gov
Rural Information Center
Louise Reynnells
301-504-5293 504-7098 louise [dot] reynnells [at] ars [dot] usda [dot] gov
Associate Director for Technical Services
Chris Cole
301-504-7296 504-6951 christopher [dot] cole [at] ars [dot] usda [dot] gov
Thesaurus Specialist
Lori Finch
301-504-6853 504-5213 lori [dot] finch [at] ars [dot] usda [dot] gov
Acquisitions and Collection Dev. Branch
301-504-7230 504-5243
GPO Depository
Scott Hanscom
301-504-6999 504-5243 scott [dot] hanscom [at] ars [dot] usda [dot] gov
Electronic Licensing Librarian
Bibliographic Services Branch
Mike Esman
301-504-7565 504-5471 michael [dot] esman [at] ars [dot] usda [dot] gov
CONSER Coordinator
Tina Shrader
301-504-5040 504-5471 tina [dot] shrader [at] ars [dot] usda [dot] gov