Womack Army Medical Center
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Family Advocacy Program
Mission Statement
Types of Abuse
Mandated Reporters
Reporting Spouse, Child, Elder Abuse
Social Work Services
Treatment Groups
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Department of Social Work Brochure


Reporting Spouse, Child, Elder Abuse

If you suspect abuse…who should you call?

Spouse Abuse

  • Provost Marshall Office: (910) 396-0391
  • Womack AMC Department of Social Work: (910) 907-7869
  • Victim Advocate Hotline: (910) 396-5521 / 4175 / 1519
  • Cumberland County CARE Center: (910) 323-4187
  • Victim Advocate 24-Hour Hotline: (910) 322-3418
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233


  • Law Enforcement
  • Womack AMC Department of Social Work: (910) 907-7869
  • Cumberland County Department of Social Services: (910) 677-2450
  • Child Advocacy Center: (910) 486-9700
  • DSS/Adult Services:  (910) 677-2450

Before you make a call…make sure you have:

  • Specific incidents that precipitated the report.
  • Dates and description of the injuries / dangers
  • Identities of the perpetrators) and their relationship to the victim
  • Any witnesses to the incident’s) and how they may be reached.
  • Any statements from the child / location of the child.


Restricted Reporting:  Allows adult victims of domestic abuse, who are eligible to receive treatment, to report an incident:

  • Victim Adovocates
  • Victim Advocate Coordinator
  • Healthcare providers    

Without initiating the investigate process.

Benefits of Restricted Reporting:

  • Victims decide when to report
  • Victims receive appropriate health care and advocacy services
  • Victims are afforded space and time to make informed decisions.
  • Victims control the release and management of personal information.


  • The abuser is not held accountable and may commit further abuse
  • The victim and abuser may continue to have contact
  • Crime scene evidence will be lost
  • Military and civilian protection orders are unavailable
  • Some situations may be dangerous, so restricted reporting is not possible.

Unrestricted Reporting: is available for victims who desire an official investigation of their allegation.

*When there is an imminent threat of harm a report may have to be made. If you are worried about privacy, you may call and not give your name and still obtain helpful information.