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Travel Clinic Services

Travel Clinic

WHO?     Active Duty Soldiers on leave / Dependents on leave /  Dependents on PCS orders / Retired military

WHAT?   Medical recommendation for international travel includes medical advice on health precautions, vaccinations, 
              and medication to prevent malaria, 
travelers’ diarrhea, and air sickness.

WHEN?   Preferably 2 months or more prior to departure

WHERE?  Wellness Center at Womack Army Medical Center
              Call for appointment:  907-9355

Travel Clinic Information
--located in Army Public Health Nursing (aka Wellness Clinic)

Womack Army Medical Center’s Travel Clinic provides medical guidance to beneficiaries who have international travel plans.  Customized information packets are prepared to include health risks in each country visited together with required vaccinations, suggested health precautions, and emergency embassy contact information.  Prescriptions for vaccinations, travelers’ diarrhea, air/sea sickness, and/or malaria prevention may be written for adult beneficiaries while children are required to follow-up with their primary care provider for prescription medication and vaccinations.

Travel Clinic services are available to dependent beneficiaries, retired service members, dependents accompanying active duty service members on PCS orders, and active duty soldiers traveling on leave. Active duty soldiers on orders for PCS or TDY must process through their assigned primary care clinics.

Appointments for international travelers should be made at least 2 months in advance of travel in order to allow time for all vaccinations.  The Travel Clinic is located in Army Public Health Nursing (aka Wellness Clinic), on the All American side of the hospital, second floor, just above the Pediatric Clinic. 
Hours are by appointment on the 2nd and 3rd Wednesday mornings of the month from 0800 to 1030. 
To make an appointment, call 907-9355.