Material Transfer Agreements (MTA)

Materials Transfer Agreements (MTAs) are used to transfer materials between institutions from all sectors of the scientific community.  Before you sign a materials transfer agreement, receive materials transferred from another organization, or send materials to another organization, contact Deb Covey so that she may review the terms and conditions of the agreement (, 294-1048, Room 311 TASF).

Please note:

1) If you are receiving some type of material under a MTA from another organization and they ask you to sign an MTA before sending the material, the MTA must be reviewed by the Office of Sponsored Research Administration before you sign it.

2)  If you plan to send proprietary material(s) to a collaborator outside of Ames Laboratory and Iowa State University, you must send an MTA to the collaborator's organization and acquire the collaborator’s signature-agreement beforehand.

  • Depending upon the situation, either the Ames Laboratory Office of Sponsored Research Administration or the University's Office of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer can prepare the agreement for you.  Please contact Deb Covey, who will prepare the MTA or will have OIPTT do it.

3) When in doubt, please contact Deb Covey to determine if an MTA needs to be prepared.

For information on DOE Technology Transfer, please visit their website at