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The Top Ten Reasons Why You'll Like SES




The Top Ten Reasons Why You'll Like SES: Transcript

Narrator – Hi students. If you are coming to Schweinfurt Elementary School for the first time, PLEASE don’t worry. We’ll take excellent care of you and you will love the place. Here are some of our kids telling why they like it sooooooooo much: 

Student #1 – This school is safe. (Location - Outside Principal’s office) 

Narrator – That’s right this place is absolutely safe. No need to be scared. Fighting and bullying are NOT allowed!  

Student #2 – The teachers are friendly. (Location - By front office) 

Narrator – Friendly? Not only are they friendly, but HELPFUL too. Our teachers love kids! 

Student #3 – We have cool after school clubs. (Location - On the playground dribbling a basketball) 

Narrator – Yes there is always plenty to do! 

Student #4 – We have loads of special assemblies. (Location - Front of stage) 

Narrator – Yes, if you like to perform, many classes give shows right here in our school. 

Student #5 – Our mascot is a pig! (Location - In library with Wilbur) 

Narrator – That’s right. Schweinfurt in English means Pig Town and our mascot is Wilbur Pig. We even have a song about him. 

Student #6 – There is plenty of extra help available. (Location – Read 108 Room) 

Narrator – Sure, if you need extra support with schoolwork, we have the teachers for you. 

Student #7 – New students will get a personal sponsor. (Location - Guidance Office) 

Narrator – True – each new student will receive a sponsor who will help you get adjusted fast. Your sponsor will hang out with you for a week or so. They are prepared to help you in all kinds of ways. 

Student #8 – Learning is fun at Schweinfurt Elementary. (Location – Computer Lab) 

Narrator – Expect to get a lot of work, but you will feel good about your learning. 

Student #9 – Our Library is awesome. (Location - Library) 

Narrator – True- we have zillions of exciting books 

Student #10 – We get awards and prizes (Location – First Grade Reading Counts Castle) 

Narrator – That too is right. We have lots of contests and assemblies. And yes - there are awards for kids who try hard. 

Narrator – Would you like some answers to your questions right now? E-mail our principal and ask us anything. Our principal will answer you.
This video was produced in 2006 by the SES Ed-Technologist and SES students with help from the Bavaria District Webmaster.

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Last updated October 12, 2011

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