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Monitoring of the Independent Living Programs

In September, 2012, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) issued the final report of the results of its review of Centers for Independent Living (CIL) Compliance, Performance, Recovery Act Reporting, and Monitoring for the period October 1, 2007, through September 30, 2009, with Recovery Act reporting from October 1, 2009, through September 30, 2010. The review focused on RSA’s monitoring and oversight of CILs with respect to their: provision of independent living core services; compliance with Rehabilitation Act standards and assurances and applicable federal regulations; compliance with reporting requirements of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009; expenditure of grant funds for allowable expenditures; and maintenance of adequate documentation for the use of grant funds.
(RSA Contact: Timothy Beatty (202) 245-6156 or timothy.beatty@ed.gov)

(October 10, 2012)


RSA has developed the FY 2012 Independent Living Monitoring and Technical Assistance Guide (IL/MTAG) through which it will assess the performance of the Designated State Agency (DSA) and/or Designated State Unit(s) (DSU) in the administration of the two formula grant programs authorized under Title VII of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (Rehabilitation Act), including the state independent living services program (SILS/IL Part B) and the IL services for older individuals who are blind (OIB) program, and their compliance with pertinent federal programmatic and fiscal requirements.

In addition, in those states in which state funding equals or exceeds federal funding and the state submits and receives approval to award grants under section 723 of the Rehabilitation Act, (currently Minnesota and Massachusetts), the review will also address the statutory and regulatory requirements, as well as performance related to the DSA and/or DSU’s administration of the centers for independent living (CIL) program authorized by Title VII, Chapter 1, Part C, of the Rehabilitation Act.

  • SILS program, authorized by Title VII, Chapter 1, Part B (IL Part B funds);
  • CIL program (in 723 states only), authorized by Title VII, Chapter 1, Part C (IL Part C funds); and
  • OIB program, authorized by Chapter 2 of Title VII (Chapter 2 funds).

Download the FY 2012 Independent Living Monitoring and Technical Assistance Guide:

download files MS Word (546 KB) | PDF (304 KB)
Updated as of November 14, 2011


Sections 706(c) and 722 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (the Act) mandate that the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) annually conduct on-site compliance reviews of at least 15 percent of the centers for independent living (CILs) that receive funds under Section 722 of the Act.

Download the FY 2012 Centers for Independent Living On-Site Review Guide (ORG)

download files MS Word (132 KB) | PDF (112 KB)
Updated as of November 2, 2012


For fiscal year 2012, the State Independent Living Services Program was reviewed in the following states.

  • Maryland
    download files MS Word (504K) | PDF (898K)
    Updated as of May 24, 2012

  • Kansas
    download files MS Word (501K) | PDF (726K)
    Updated as of October 10, 2012

For fiscal year 2012, centers for independent living in twelve states were reviewed.


For fiscal year 2011, Centers for Independent Living in twelve states were reviewed.


RSA continues to make available prior year Monitoring Reports as well as the Information Guide and Monitoring Protocols used to develop those reports.

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