NASA/IPAC Teacher Archive Research Program


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Other EPO programs using real data

Application deadline for 2013 has now passed.

(alternate YouTube copy)

What is NITARP? NITARP, the NASA/IPAC Teacher Archive Research Program, gets teachers involved in authentic astronomical research. We partner small groups of educators with a mentor professional astronomer for an original research project. The educators incorporate the experience into their classrooms and share their experience with other teachers. The program runs January through January. Applications are available annually in May and due in September.

This program, to the best of our knowledge, is completely unique in the following two important ways: (1) each team does original research using real astronomical data, not canned labs or reproductions of previously done research; (2) each team writes up the results of their research and presents it at an American Astronomical Society meeting (the AAS is the professional organization for astronomers in the US). Each team also presents the educational results of their experience in the program.

I want to know more! Many more words on the history and philosophy of the program can be found here.

LATEST NEWS: Applications for the NITARP class of 2013 were due on Sep 21. The oversubscription ratio is ~5, e.g., 5 times as many people applied as we have spots!
Read about our Summer 2012 activities!

Who has participated? Here is a page listing everyone and all of their accomplishments as part of this program.

Funding for NITARP comes from the NASA ADP program and NASA/Archive EPO program.

Questions? E-mail nitarp -- at -- ipac DOT caltech DOT edu