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2009 News & Events

Ambassador Fulton attends Danish education portal EMU's tenth birthday

Ambassador Fulton holding Teddy, Minister Haarder with EMU on his shoulder along with EMU management and representatives and mascots from a number of organisations.

Ambassador Fulton holding Teddy, Minister Haarder with EMU on his shoulder along with EMU management and representatives and mascots from a number of organisations.

On September 1, Ambassador Fulton attended a rather unusual birthday party. It was the tenth birthday of the Danish Education portal

The setting was a traditional Danish children's birthday party with hot cocoa and lots of cake. Ambassador Fulton was welcomed to the venue by Director Dorte Olesen and Chief Editor Finn Togo.

Apart from being a portal, EMU is also a toy bird, the EMU mascot. So what made this party a bit unusual was that around the birthday table were not just Ambassador Fulton and the Danish Minister of Education, Bertel Haarder, but also many of EMU's personal friends. These were of course other mascots. One of them was the Embassy mascot Teddy.

Ambassador Fulton spoke at the event. She congratulated EMU on ten succesful years as Denmark's number one teaching portal and she spoke about the unique cooperation between EMU and the U.S. Embassy in Denmark. This cooperation will result in a tailored website containing information about the U.S. that will be part of the EMU portal. Over time the website will be an all encompassing resource for children aged 6 - 18 as well as for teachers and parents who wish to learn more about the U.S.

Ambassador Fulton also gave a short preview of what this new website will contain. She showed the audience a short trailer about EMU's tour of the U.S. Embassy.

Ambassador Fulton also had time to discuss the importance of international cooperation and the use of IT within the education field with Minister Haarder and EMU staff.