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Hyperopia Defined

Hyperopia, also known as farsightedness, is a common type of refractive error where distant objects may be seen more clearly than objects that are near. The threshold for clinically significant hyperopia is somewhat higher at 3.0 diopters or more.

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2010 U.S. Age-Specific Prevalence Rates for Hyperopia by Age, and Race/Ethnicity

2010 U.S. age-specific prevalence rates for Hyperopia by age, gender, and race/ethnicity

Age White Black Hispanic Other All
40-49 3.94% 2.83% 3.12% 3.45% 3.65%
50-54 6.90% 4.40% 5.14% 5.57% 6.33%
55-59 9.60% 5.54% 6.87% 7.32% 8.76%
60-64 12.67% 6.61% 8.84% 9.24% 11.57%
65-69 15.95% 7.59% 10.97% 11.24% 14.55%
70-74 19.16% 8.37% 13.12% 13.17% 17.42%
75-79 22.03% 9.02% 15.11% 15.04% 20.15%
80+ 25.12% 9.66% 17.50% 17.07% 23.31%
TOTAL 11.38% 5.17% 6.42% 7.21% 9.95%
Female/Age White Black Hispanic Other All
40-49 4.05% 3.29% 2.99% 3.57% 3.76%
50-54 7.41% 5.37% 5.38% 6.17% 6.86%
55-59 10.52% 7.06% 7.48% 8.36% 9.70%
60-64 14.05% 8.80% 9.93% 10.79% 12.97%
65-69 17.73% 10.52% 12.56% 13.37% 16.38%
70-74 21.20% 11.97% 15.19% 15.80% 19.55%
75-79 24.11% 13.01% 17.57% 17.89% 22.34%
80+ 26.63% 13.35% 20.18% 19.87% 25.02%
TOTAL 12.81% 6.92% 7.29% 8.39% 11.31%
Male/Age White Black Hispanic Other All
40-49 3.83% 2.32% 3.23% 3.31% 3.52%
50-54 6.38% 3.30% 4.91% 4.89% 5.78%
55-59 8.64% 3.76% 6.21% 6.10% 7.76%
60-64 11.22% 3.93% 7.61% 7.39% 10.05%
65-69 14.00% 3.76% 9.05% 8.73% 12.50%
70-74 16.80% 3.30% 10.44% 10.01% 14.89%
75-79 19.42% 2.66% 11.69% 11.16% 17.30%
80+ 22.50% 1.62% 13.05% 12.48% 20.30%
TOTAL 9.81% 3.02% 5.49% 5.83% 8.42%

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2010 Prevalence Rates of Hyperopia by Race

Chart Projections 2010 (Hyperopia)

  All White Black Hispanic Other
Prevalence 0.099 0.114 0.052 0.064 0.072

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2010 U.S. Prevalent Cases of Hyperopia (in thousands) by Age, and Race/Ethnicity

2010 U.S. Prevalent Cases of Vision Impairment (in thousands) by age, gender, and race/ethnicity (Hyperopia)

Age White Black Hispanic Other All
40-49 1,126 152 201 110 1,589
50-54 1,090 116 125 80 1,411
55-59 1,388 120 126 89 1,723
60-64 1,625 109 121 90 1,945
65-69 1,545 87 104 75 1,811
70-74 1,390 69 92 64 1,615
75-79 1,291 54 77 51 1,473
80+ 2,363 77 109 71 2,620
TOTAL 11,818 784 955 630 14,187

2010 U.S. Prevalent Cases of Hyperopia (in thousands) by Age, Gender, and Race/Ethnicity

2010 U.S. Prevalent Cases of Hyperopia (in thousands) by gender.

Female/Age White Black Hispanic Other All
40-49 580 93 95 60 828
50-54 591 75 66 47 779
55-59 775 83 71 55 984
60-64 924 80 72 57 1,133
65-69 897 68 65 48 1,078
70-74 824 58 60 42 984
75-79 788 48 52 35 923
80+ 1,588 73 78 51 1,790
TOTAL 6,967 578 559 395 8,499
Male/Age White Black Hispanic Other All
40-49 546 59 106 50 761
50-54 499 41 59 33 632
55-59 613 37 55 34 739
60-64 701 29 49 33 812
65-69 648 19 39 27 733
70-74 566 11 32 22 631
75-79 503 6 25 16 550
80+ 775 4 31 20 830
TOTAL 4,851 206 396 235 5,688

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Projections for Hyperopia (2010-2030-2050)

Chart Projections 2010 (Hyperopia)

Year All White Black Hispanic Other
2010 14,186,819 11,817,068 784,755 956,761 628,235
2030 19,818,339 15,051,739 1,175,800 2,294,625 1,296,174
2050 23,439,671 15,578,153 1,517,249 4,161,914 2,182,356

Chart Projections 2010 (Hyperopia)

Total Population 142,648,393 103,846,437 15,190,777 14,901,369 8,709,810

Changes of Cases between 2000 and 2010

Chart Projections 2010 (Hyperopia)

Year Value Short Value
2000 11,808,911 11,809
2010 14,186,819 14,187

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2000 U.S. Prevalent Cases of Hyperopia (in thousands) by Age, and Race/Ethnicity

2000 U.S. Prevalent Cases of Hyperopia Chart

Age White Black Hispanic Other All
40-49 1,187 136 125 86 1,534
50-54 925 78 70 53 1,126
55-59 1,011 72 66 50 1,199
60-64 1,079 70 66 48 1,263
65-69 1,228 67 66 47 1,408
70-74 1,412 62 62 44 1,580
75-79 1,397 49 50 35 1,531
80+ 2,005 64 58 42 2,169
TOTAL 10,244 598 563 405 11,810

2000 U.S. Prevalent Cases of Hyperopia (in thousands) by Age, Gender, and Race/Ethnicity

2000 U.S. Prevalent Cases of Hyperopia (in thousands) by gender.

Female/Age White Black Hispanic Other All
40-49 610 84 59 47 800
50-54 502 51 37 31 621
55-59 567 50 38 30 685
60-64 620 52 40 30 742
65-69 725 53 42 31 851
70-74 862 52 41 30 985
75-79 892 44 34 24 994
80+ 1,411 61 43 30 1,545
TOTAL 6,189 447 334 253 7,223
Male/Age White Black Hispanic Other All
40-49 577 52 66 39 734
50-54 423 27 33 22 505
55-59 444 22 28 20 514
60-64 459 18 26 18 521
65-69 503 14 24 16 557
70-74 550 10 21 14 595
75-79 505 5 16 11 537
80+ 594 3 15 12 624
TOTAL 4,055 151 229 152 4,587

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Department of Health and Human Services NIH, the National Institutes of Health