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Office of Inspector General
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The Office of Inspector General welcomes your concerns, questions, suggestions or comments on any issue involving the NRO.

The NRO Office of Inspector General (OIG) relies on concerned individuals to provide us with information regarding fraud, waste, or mismanagement pertaining to NRO activities. We understand the value of information provided by individuals who desire to maintain their anonymity. We also recognize the value of being able to contact those individuals to ask for additional information or clarification of their concerns. Often, that additional information or clarification is necessary for successful conclusion of an OIG inquiry. We encourage you to identify yourself; however it is not required. If you choose to identify yourself, please provide a detailed description, suggested below, of the issue or concern by email to Remember, we cannot divulge your identity to external organizations or agencies without your expressed consent. If you choose to remain anonymous, you may call the Hotline, 703-808-1644, or provide the details of your concern by mail to NRO OIG, 14675 Lee Road, Chantilly, VA 20151.

We ask that you include the following information when providing information regarding fraud, waste, or mismanagement pertaining to NRO activities:

  • A detailed description of the issue or concern (Please be as specific as possible as to the “Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How);
  • Please inform us as to what other offices or organizations you have contacted regarding this matter and their responses if any;
  • Optional – Your name, a contact telephone number, and your office/location.

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