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Institute for Applied Ecosystem Studies

Publications & Products

Results 311 - 320 of 320
Water Stress Promotes Early Flowering in Jack Pine Riemenschneider, Don E. 1985
Heritability and intertrait correlations in breeding subpopulations of jack pine Riemenschneider, Don E. 1985
Weight and volume equations and tables for red maple in the Lake States. Crow, Thomas R.; Erdmann, G.G. 1983
Height growth to age 8 of larch species and hybrids in Wisconsin. Riemenschneider, Don E.; Nienstaedt, Hans 1983
Volume tables for important second-growth northern hardwood forests in northeastern Wisconsin Erdmann, Gayne G.; Crow, Thomas R.; Oberg, Robert R. 1982
Height and seasonal growth pattern of jack pine full-sib families Riemenschneider, Don E. 1981
Height and diameter of tamarack seed sources in northern Wisconsin. Riemenschneider, Don E.; Jeffers, R.M. 1980
The genetic and economic effect of preliminary culling in the seedling orchard Riemenschneider, Don E. 1977
Introduction to uses and interpretation of principal component analyses in forest biology. Isebrands, J. G.; Crow, Thomas R. 1975
The effects of soil moisture, texture, and nutrient levels on the growth of black walnut. Dickson, Richard E. 1971

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Last Modified: 12/23/2012

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Changing Midwest Assessment Maps

  • Resource Maps 1980-2000 - View maps that illustrate the spatial distribution, direction and intensity of the changes that have occurred on the biophysical and social landscapes of the Midwest.
  • Internet Mapping Service - This application provides you the opportunity to interactively browse the geospatial data layers created for the Changing Midwest Assessment.
Featured Publication
Weed Compaction Roller

[photo:] Roller designed and patented by Institute Scientist Ron Zalesny

Combination foliage compaction and treatment method and apparatus. U.S. Patent No. US 7,121,040. Issued on October 17, 2006.

Patent is available for licensing by commercial manufacturers. For more information contact Ron Zalesny.


[image:] Cover image from publicationA weed compaction roller system for use with mechanical herbicide application.