
AOML maintains a variety of databases that provide access to a wide range of publicly available oceanographic and meteorological data and products. A brief description and list of the websites that house these data and products is provided below for reference.


Copyright Notice

As required by 17 U.S.C. 403, third parties producing copyrighted works consisting predominantly of the material produced by U.S. government agencies must provide notice with such work(s) identifying the U.S. Government material incorporated and stating that such material is not subject to copyright protection. The information on government web pages is in the public domain unless specifically annotated otherwise (copyright may be held elsewhere) and may therefore be used freely by the public.


Hurricane Data

The Hurricane Research Division collects a variety of data sets on tropical cyclones. Each Atlantic and East Pacific hurricane season we conduct a field program in which we collect these data sets from the NOAA aircraft and process them. Aircraft radar and dropsonde data are available and are organized by storm and year.


ARGO Center

Argo is an international program that calls for the deployment of 3,000 free drifting profiling floats, distributed over the global oceans, which measure the temperature and salinity in the upper 2,000 m of the ocean providing 100,000 T/S profiles and reference velocity measurements per year. This will allow continuous monitoring of the climate state of the ocean, with all data being relayed and made publicly available within hours after collection.


Global Heat Storage

AOML houses the U.S. Argo data assembly center to process data from profiling floats. AOML also processes temperature profile data from expendable bathythermographs (XBTs), among other sources. A major goal of these efforts is to provide sufficient data for the description and analysis of the state of the ocean and for coupled numerical models to provide seasonal to interannual forecasts.


Global Drifter Program

AOML's contribution to the Global Drifter Program consists of the Drifter Operations Center (DOC) and the Drifter Data Assembly Center (DAC). The DOC manages global drifter deployments using volunteer ships of the Ship of Opportunity Program, research ships, and aircraft. The DAC verifies that the drifters are operational, distributes the data to meteorological services via the global telecommunications system, assembles, quality controls, and makes the data available on the web, and offers drifter-derived products.


Global Surface Currents

This site provides quarterly reports on the state of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) for near-surface currents. This site also accesses the Drifting Buoy Data Assembly Center and the Drifter Operation Center, components of the Global Drifter Program (GDP). A major goal of the GDP is to maintain an array of 1250 satellite-tracked drifting buoys to measure mixed layer (near-surface) currents, sea surface temperature, air pressure, and winds. At several sites, fixed current meters also measure near surface currents; these data are provided by the TAO Project Office at NOAA/PMEL.


Atlantic Meridional Heat Transport

This site provides data and quarterly reports on the state of the ocean’s meridional oceanic heat transport in the Atlantic Ocean. AOML collects XBT data on two lines spanning the subtropical oceans: in the North Atlantic since 1995 along AX7 running between Spain and Miami, Florida and in the South Atlantic since 2002 along AX18 between Cape Town, South Africa and Buenos Aires, Argentina. These data capture the upper limb of the Meridional Overturning Circulation transport, an important benchmark for integrated air-sea fluxes and numerical model performance.


Satellite Ocean Monitoring

Products are derived from satellite-derived altimetric sea height anomaly (SHA) fields and sea surface temperature (SST). These products are validated using data from a variety of platforms, such as expendable bathythermographs (XBTs), drifters, moorings, and profiling floats. Real-time global geostrophic surface currents, tropical cyclone heat potential, and long term time series of important oceanographic variables are available through these websites.


Coast Watch Caribbean/Gulf of Mexico Regional Node

CoastWatch is a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration program that provides remotely sensed satellite and other environmental data to government decision makers and academic researchers. The Caribbean/Gulf of Mexico Regional Node is one of several sites throughout the United States designed for the processing and distribution of information in near-real-time. The primary data source for CoastWatch is the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on the NOAA series polar-orbiting weather satellites.


Monitoring Gulf of Mexico Conditions

This website is designed to provide tools and products showing the current condition of several parameters in the Gulf of Mexico, including information about ocean currents, sea surface temperature, sea level, and ocean color. The products presented here have been obtained using both direct ocean measurements and remote observations collected via satellite, as well as using outputs from numerical models.


Climatology of Surface Currents

A climatology of monthly currents at 1° x 1° resolution is provided, calculated from surface drifter observations.


Animation of Surface Currents

Animations of seasonal currents and sea surface temperature are provided, derived from surface drifter observations.


Altimetric Estimates of Surface Currents

The spatial and temporal variability of several surface currents which are key components of the Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC) are monitored by these products. The Agulhas and North Brazil Currents, and their associated rings, as well as the Yucatan and Florida currents, are some of the currents monitored through this project.


High Density XBT Transects

The objectives of the five high density transects in the Atlantic are to measure the upper ocean thermal structure in the center of the subtropical gyre, to investigate the meridional structure of the subtropical gyre and Gulf Stream, and to characterize both the mean and the time-dependent upper ocean properties of the tropical portion of the Meridional Overturning Circulation and of the shallow Subtropical Cell in the Tropical Atlantic.


Low Density and Frequently Repeated XBT Transects

AOML operates a global expendable bathythermograph program that utilizes approximately 30 ships from the Ship of Opportunity Program to monitor six transects in the Pacific and five transects in the Atlantic on a frequently-repeated mode.



Thermosalinographs (TSGs) are instruments mounted close to the water intake of research and cargo ships and that continuously measure the sea surface salinity and temperature along the track of the ship. AOML currently operates several TSG transects from three ships of the Ship of Opportunity Program.


Global Carbon Cycle (GCC) Data Products

As part of its participation in NOAA’s Global Carbon Cycle Program, AOML’s goal is to assess the ocean’s role in controlling atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels with a focus on observations of the exchange of CO2 across the air-sea interface and its eventual penetration into the water masses of the deep ocean. The GCC data include dissolved inorganic compound (DIC) measurements from both long-line and short cruises, and underway partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) measurements from Ships of Opportunity (SOOP) and NOAA ships.


Integrated Coral Observing Network (ICON) Data

This site provides a central location for integrated near real-time or recent data relating to coral reefs, and also provides ecological forecasts (through artificial intelligence technology) as to the occurrence of specified environmental conditions, as prescribed by modelers, oceanographers, and marine biologists.


The Coral Reef Early Warning System (CREWS) Network

These marine environmental monitoring stations provide near real-time in situ hourly measurements for many meteorological and oceanographic parameters including wind speed, wind direction, wind gusts, air temperature, barometric pressure, sea temperature, salinity, ultraviolet-B, photosynthetically active radiation, tide, fluorometry, and transmissometry. These data are screened by a suite of expert systems to support data quality review and to model and predict biological events such as coral bleaching near coral reef areas.

Employee Tools