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Caucus Brief: China Wages a Quiet War of Maps with its Neighbors

February 15, 2013

China Wages a Quiet War of Maps with its Neighbors. “Bitter maritime disputes between China and its neighbors have recently sent fighter jets scrambling, ignited violent protests, and seen angry fishermen thrown in jail. But beneath all the bellicose rhetoric and threatening posture, China also has ...

Caucus Brief: Tensions Mount as China Snatches Farms for Homes

February 14, 2013

Tensions Mount as China Snatches Farms for Homes. “Fu Liang pulls his battered car alongside Golden Lakeshore, a collection of luxury villas whose salesroom, outfitted with chandeliers and velvet furniture, evokes a nouveau riche fantasy of Tuscany."This is where my farm was," he says. The villas ar...

Caucus Brief: Japan Official Calls for Military Hot Line with China

February 13, 2013

Japan Official Calls for Military Hot Line with China. “The Japanese government wants to move ahead with the creation of an emergency military hot line with China as tensions remain high over allegations Beijing used weapons-targeting radar against Japanese naval forces, Parliamentary Secretary for ...

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