Photo of Iowa

Grassley News

Grassley, Brown Senate Resolution Disapproves Proposal to Eliminate Olympic Wrestling... Read More >>

New GAO Report on Meth Ingredient Restrictions...

Scheduling Requests

Senator Grassley makes it a top priority to meet with as many Iowans as possible both when he is in Iowa and when Iowans are in Washington, D.C.

When Senator Grassley is in Iowa, he goes to every county at least one time every year. He receives many invitations and requests for important meetings and events in Iowa each year. All of these are kept on file to be scheduled when there is an opportunity on the calendar. Due to uncertainties in the Senate schedule, Senator Grassley is able to commit to attend an event or hold a meeting in Iowa not more than one month in advance of a specific date.

Senator Grassley also meets with Iowans in his Washington, D.C. office every afternoon between 3 and 5 p.m. when the Senate is in session. There are eight appointments, each lasting 15 minutes. These time slots fill quickly and are booked on a first-come, first-served basis.

All scheduling requests for Senator Grassley should be submitted in writing.

To request a meeting in Iowa, click here.

To request a meeting in Washington, D.C., click here.