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Grassley News

Treasury secretary nominee still unfamiliar with Ugland House... Read More >>

IRS whistleblower report, response...

Committee Assignments

Senator Grassley is a member of the following Senate committees:

Committee on the Judiciary. Senator Grassley has been on this committee every year that he’s served in the Senate and today has a leadership position as the committee’s Ranking Member. The Committee on the Judiciary is one of the Senate’s original standing committees and has a broad and influential jurisdiction, including crime, antitrust, bankruptcy, intellectual property, the federal courts and judges, civil liberties, constitutional law and amendments, and immigration.

Committee on Finance. Senator Grassley served as either Ranking Member or Chairman of this committee from 2001 through 2010, and he remains a senior member. Senator Grassley calls this committee the quality of life committee because of the committee’s jurisdiction, which includes all tax matters, health care, Social Security; Medicare, Medicaid, social services, unemployment compensation, tariffs and international trade. Legislation acted on by the Committee on Finance raises virtually all federal revenue, and expenditures authorized by this committee represent as much as two-thirds of the federal budget.

Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry. Both on and off the Senate Agriculture Committee, Senator Grassley is an outspoken and effective voice for American agriculture.  Senator Grassley farms corn and soybeans 50-50 with his son in Butler County, Iowa, and works to stay in close touch with the realities facing producers of farm commodities, including livestock.  The Agriculture Committee is responsible for federal farm program policy, nutrition programs and forestry matters, as well as oversight of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Committee on the Budget. Senator Grassley is a senior member of this committee, which is responsible for drafting an annual budget plan for Congress. The budget resolution prepared by the Budget Committee sets out a broad blueprint for Congress with respect to the total levels of revenues and spending for the federal government as a whole. Other committees in the Senate and House of Representatives prepare the legislation that establishes specific tax and spending policies.

Joint Committee on Taxation. Senator Grassley is a member of this committee because of his seniority on the Committee on Finance. Members include five senators who serve on the Finance Committee and five members of the House of Representatives who serve on the Committee on Ways and Means. The Joint Committee reports on the effects of taxes and the administration of taxes.

Senator Grassley is a member of the following Senate caucuses:

Caucus on International Narcotics Control. Senator Grassley is the Co-Chairman of this caucus.

Senate Caucus on Foster Youth. Senator Grassley is the Co-Founder and Co-Chair of this caucus.

4-H Caucus
Central Community College Caucus
Congressional Coalition on Adoption
Congressional Fire Services Caucus
Congressional Waterways Caucus
Czech Caucus
Lewis and Clark Congressional Caucus
National Guard Caucus
Senate Anti-Meth Caucus, Co-Chair
Senate Cancer Coalition
Senate French Caucus
Senate India Caucus
Senate Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Caucus
Senate Rural Health Caucus
Senate Taiwan Caucus
Terrorist Financing Task Force