Working with Sandia

Business, Industry, & Non-Profits

GM Storage

Sandia uses a variety of agreements to develop partnerships with industry, state and local governments, and universities. The partner's goals, plus funding sources for the agreement, and Sandia's strategic business objectives, determine the most appropriate partnering mechanism. Sandia's Partnership Opportunities Brochure (PDF) describes the agreement types available for Sandia and industry use. The Laboratories also may enter into nondisclosure agreements and memorandum of understanding when appropriate.

As a Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC), Sandia may perform work for industry responding to certain types of federal government solicitations such as broad agency announcements or small business innovation research/technology transfer. The solicitation must allow FFRDC participation and meet the requirements of Sandia's management and operating contract with DOE/NNSA.

Small Business


The New Mexico Small Business Assistance (NMSBA) Program allows New Mexico small businesses facing a technical challenge to access the unique expertise of Los Alamos and Sandia national laboratories. At no cost to the business, small businesses can seek assistance from lab scientists or engineers for projects that require testing, design consultation, and access to special equipment or facilities.


Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) is a highly competitive program that encourages small businesses to explore their technological potential and provides the incentive to profit from their commercialization.

The Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program is similar to SBIR but mandates that certain portions of work must be sub-contracted to a research institution.

Technology Transfer Ombuds

The Technology Transfer Ombuds offers an informal process to help resolve issues, concerns, and occasional conflicting needs and interests. These can sometimes surface as part of the laboratories' technology partnerships, patents, intellectual property concerns, and licensing activities. As a designated neutral party, our Ombuds provides confidential, resolution-focused services, and can also offer guidance to other resources for formally reporting and resolving issues. For more Tech Transfer Ombuds information, contact Mauricio (Reese) Ramos at, (925) 294-2065, or Jennifer Stinebaugh at, (505) 844-7638. Additional information is available on the Tech Transfer Ombuds website.