

Bioscience researcher

The Bioscience Research Foundation integrates and analyzes research data from the biological sciences to create reliable analytical and predictive tools for reducing biological threats to national security and U.S. reliance on fossil fuels. Visit our biosciences website for more information about our science to solutions, facilities, people, and publications.

Why our work matters

Sandia is generating a new and deep understanding of emerging and threatening pathogens to help the nation's leaders better identify and understand agents that could put our citizens, assets, and armed forces at risk. This information can drive efforts to thwart potential attacks and outbreaks, as well as protect public health in the event of an actual attack or outbreak. Our biofuels research could help our nation solve immense national security and environmental problems by contributing to efficient, economical production of advanced biofuels that are "drop-in" replacements for current gasoline, diesel, or aviation fuels.

Our unique value

  • Extensive scientific capabilities, equipment, and facilities
  • Powerful research tools at the interface of the physical, computational, and biological sciences
  • Myriad corporate strengths:  nanosciences, high-performance computing, chemical imaging, microsystems, and the modeling and simulation of complex systems

Our approach

Biodefense and emerging infectious disease

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Sandia unlocks secrets of plague with stunning new imaging techniques. (Photo by Jeri Timlin, Jesse Aaron, and Bryan Carson)


Collect useful information about pathogens by defining and detecting indicators of infection in complex clinical samples


  • Discover and verify molecular and cellular disease signatures for pathogens that pose public health and biodefense concerns
  • Develop integrative micro-bioanalytical approaches to detect host/pathogen indicators of infection in complex biological samples
  • Develop bioinformatics approaches for data integration, management, and knowledge extraction to inform effective public health responses to disease outbreaks

Collect useful information about pathogens by defining and detecting indicators of infection in complex clinical samples.[ksw1] 

 [ksw1]We might get flak from the researchers on this, but I like it better.  I originally had something similar that they rejected.


Photo of researcher Brian Dwyer viewing a sample from an algal tank

Turning algae into energy: Project converts dairy wastes into energy, other products. (Photo by Randy Montoya)


Unlock two powerful sources of bioenergy: lignocellulose and algae


  • Understand biomass recalcitrance to enable the discovery of efficient, economical methods to convert lignocellulose — the chemical compound that makes up plant cell walls — into fuels
  • Build a fundamental understanding of the factors that govern algal pond stability
  • Identify molecular mechanisms that lead to increased lipid/fuel production