WASHINGTON – U.S. Sen. Mark R. Warner (D-VA) released the following statement on Defense Secretary Leon Panetta’s decision to remove the military’s ban on women serving in combat:

“After two wars over 10 years in which our enemies did not recognize a clear ‘front,’ it is appropriate that we recognize the realities of modern military combat. It is entirely appropriate to open front-line combat opportunities to American military women, who have repeatedly demonstrated their competence, bravery, and reliability serving our nation in times of war. We also must ensure that when our warriors return from combat, we provide them with the top quality V-A services and support they have earned.”

Sen. Warner, a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, has long been an advocate for military men and women, their families and our veterans. He had an instrumental role in 2009-10 in prompting the U.S. Veterans Administration to expand and improve its services for female veterans diagnosed with post-traumatic stress order, traumatic brain injury and other combat-related conditions.  

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