Alexander: Non-Partisan Report “Confirms the Failures of the Health Care Law”

February 7 2013


WASHINGTON, Feb. 7 – U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), the Ranking Member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, today released the following statement on the recent Congressional Budget Office report that 7 million Americans will lose their job-based health care as a result of the new health care law: 

“The Congressional Budget Office's nonpartisan report confirms the failures of the health care law: At least seven million people will lose the health insurance the president promised they’d be able to keep, and our nation’s job creators will be taxed $150 billion in penalties as a result. The President should accept that this law isn't the right solution and he should work with Congress to repeal it, and then work with us on ways to lower the cost of health care so that more people can afford it.”

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