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Meetings: Welcome


[PHOTOGRAPH] William H. Press

Dr. William H. Press

AAAS President
University of Texas, Austin

The Beauty and Benefits of Science

The meeting's theme — The Beauty and Benefits of Science — points to the “unreasonable effectiveness” of the scientific enterprise in creating economic growth, solving societal problems, and satisfying the essential human drive to understand the world in which we live. President’s Invitation.

The Beauty and Benefits of Science

John B. Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center

The program for 2013 will highlight the rich and complicated connections between basic and applied research, and how they bring about both practical benefits and the beauty of pure understanding.

Thousands of leading scientists, engineers, educators, and policy-makers will interact with one another and with hundreds of members from national and international media. The growing number of international attendees attests to the growing international nature of this gathering. More than 150 sessions spread across about a dozen tracks will be presented at the Annual Meeting.

Symposium Proposal Submission for the 2013 Meeting is closed.

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