Trent Franks

Arizona's 8th District

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  • Follow @reptrentfranks on Twitter »
  • I'm honored to have received a 100% rating from @AFPhq for my votes in the 112th Congress.
  • I've joined 83 House and Senate colleagues urging State Dept. to exhaust all options toward release of Pastor Abedini -
  • RT @IRFCaucus: @RepTrentFranks just released a video on #PastorSaeed case in #Iran. Watch now and see how YOU can help! ...
  • VIDEO: Remembering Ronald Reagan on his birthday -
  • RT @GOPLeader: It’s unfortunate it took putting their paychecks on the line for @SenateDems to actually get to work.
  • Today, I introduced the Children's Hope Act, which would give children the best chance to get the best education:
  • Video of my Sunset Memorial speech today, in memory of the nearly 55 million unborn killed since Roe v. Wade:
  • A truly powerful video: President Obama's own stunning argument for protecting innocent unborn children --
  • As co-chair of the Congressional Israel Allies Caucus, I congratulate Benjamin Netanyahu on his historic victory tonight.
  • My speech into the Congressional record recognizing today's dark milestone -- the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade.
  • I have had several requests for this video, which is very relevant on the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade -
  • Much to Mr. Obama's chagrin, ours is not a government run by fiat. The American people will not simply roll over.
  • I signed on today as an original cosponsor on a resolution of no confidence in Eric Holder and a call for his resignation. #tcot
  • As I begin my 6th term, I pray for wisdom to represent well the Arizonans among whom I have made my home for 40 years.
  • As Mr. Obama crusades against the successful, we see a more advanced version of his bad ideas playing out in France:
  • "Tax rates are already high--much higher than is commonly understood--and increasing them will...depress the economy."
  • As Chair of the Missile Defense Caucus I'm very concerned that Mr. Obama remains on the sidelines on N. Korea and Iran.
  • I pray Mr. Obama proves me wrong and finally moves to fill the vacuum of leadership in the White House.
  • Any deal to avoid the "fiscal cliff" should include a Balanced Budget Amendment.
  • At a meeting yesterday with a diverse group of Arizona pastors:
  • It has been over 1,300 days since Harry Reid and the Senate fulfilled their Constitutional responsibility and passed a budget.
  • So much for either bipartisanship or leadership:
  • Black Friday, indeed. The Friday after Thanksgiving marked the first time in history the U.S. debt has surpassed $16.3 trillion.
  • I introduced the SHIELD Act, which would harden America's unsecured electric grid, to address threats just like this:
  • If Susan Rice's actions don't rise to the level of warranting the loss of her post, one wonders just what it would take.
  • By again turning his back on bilateral talks, Mahmoud Abbas is placing yet another nail in the coffin of the Peace Process....
  • "Do as I say, not as I do." Warren Buffet's own investments contradict his NYTimes article espousing higher taxes:
  • Four reasons Warren Buffet is wrong on taxes:
  • It is the sovereign right of Israel to defend herself against terrorism and to take decisive action to defend the lives of her citizens.
  • As Chairman of the Israel Allies Caucus, I was especially pleased today to pass a condemnation of Hamas' inexcusable, cowardly attacks.
  • "Never, never, never...give up." Winston Churchill
  • "Do not go where the path may lead, instead go where there is no path and leave a trail." Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • "Standing in the middle of the road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by the traffic from both sides." Margaret Thatcher
  • "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose." Jim Elliot
  • "Man is not free unless government is limited." - President Ronald Reagan
  • Today I was awarded an 100% rating by the Business Coalition for @FairCompetition. I'll always stand by the small businesses of my district.
  • Earlier this summer, House Republicans passed 32 job-related bills that are still stalled in the Democrat-controlled Senate.
  • Today we remember the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation issuance by President Abraham Lincoln.
  • The sovereign citizens of America will demonstrate to Mr Obama that his arrogant declaration of supremacy over them is profoundly premature.
  • Government will never be better-suited to do for the American people what the American people can do for themselves.
  • Al Qaeda tried to destroy America's soul on 9/11, but utterly failed. May God continue to protect our country from those seeking to harm it.
  • According to Forbes Magazine, the American taxpayers may be experiencing another General Motors bankruptcy. Bailouts are never the answer.
  • #Obama's words: he raided #Medicare on purpose to fund #ObamaCare. Now he ironically accuses #GOP of being anti-senior.
  • The U.S. Constitution is under assault by many people - both foreign and domestic - who seek to transform it to fit their own ideologies.
  • House Republicans have continuously voted for the repeal of #ObamaCare. We will continue to work towards that end until it is accomplished.
  • Democrats continue to block the Keystone pipeline, which would provide thousands of American jobs & lessen dependence on foreign oil. #KXL
  • It is truly shameful behavior for President #Obama to be suing the state of Ohio to prevent easier access to early voting for the military!
  • Congratulations to my friend & colleague, Congressman Paul Ryan, on being selected by Gov Mitt Romney as the #GOP Vice Presidential nominee!
  • Last week, I, along with many of my House colleagues approved legislation to open up more offshore drilling for the United States!
  • Harry Reid is refusing to allow 32 #jobs bills to come to an up-or-down vote in the Senate. It's time for Americans to be heard #4jobs!
  • It's time that President Obama, Harry Reid, & Nancy Pelosi realize that their big-government agenda is slowly killing our country's economy.
  • Months of inaction on bills #4jobs and Democrat-proposed tax hikes have led to another month with an unemployment rate increase.
  • #Israel does not have to ask permission to defend itself against Iran. Israel should know that the United States stands with her always!
  • I agree wholeheartedly with my colleague @RepCliffStearn's desire to hold a public hearing on Planned Parenthood's operations. #prolife
  • Today I voted against the Senate Democrats' proposal to raise taxes on the middle class. We need lower taxes, less govt! #StopTheTaxHike
  • I am so pleased to be able to congratulate Luke Air Force Base on its selection as the Pilot Training Center for the F-35A Lightning II.
  • MUST-SEE IMAGE: The Obama Economy, Summed Up In One Picture. America cannot afford four more years of Barack Obama.
  • Shouldn't a #jobs council lead to more jobs? Not according to Mr. #Obama! He says he's too busy to meet with them!
  • Democrats would have the US people believe that Republicans do nothing for U.S. #jobs, even as Senate Democrats stall 32 #GOP jobs bills!
  • What can I do for you? If you have issues with federal agencies, or if you have questions or comments, my office is here to help!
  • Given the unemployment rate, one would think Mr. #Obama would be meeting regularly with his #jobs council, but he isn't. Outrageous!
  • SHOCKING VIDEO: Assistant Attorney General Thomas Perez REFUSES to affirm 1st Amendment rights -
  • Jihadist terrorism seeks to conquer the world with fear. America seeks to set an example of freedom. Good will triumph over evil in the end.
  • America is susceptible to both natural and man-made Electromagnetic Pulses. I sponsored the Shield Act to protect our nation's power grid.
  • Mr. #Obama's actions and rhetoric prove that he does not stand for the American dream, and his apologies for America's greatness are flawed.
  • Today, I voted "Yes" on the #AuditTheFed bill in the U.S. House. We need transparency in government - especially at the Federal Reserve.
  • I support the @ConnieMackIV Penny Plan, which would impose automatic spending cuts to balance the budget and set a spending cap!
  • President #Obama is far too preoccupied with making apologies for America's greatness.
  • Mr. #Obama promised to transform America. He did so by initiating policies that have contributed to raising the poverty level to new highs.
  • The United States of America will never have a greater friend and ally than Israel. We Americans stand with Israel against terrorism!
  • A majority of American small business are opposed to #ObamaCare. For the sake of business success in this country, we must repeal ObamaCare!
  • I oppose the use of Sharia Law in the United States Judicial system. We are sworn to adhere to the Constitution, nothing else. #tcot
  • The experience of the UK, Canada, & France should teach us about the perils of the government controlling the health care industry.
  • President Ronald Reagan's unique way with words is still relevant today: "I've noticed everyone who is for abortion has already been born.”
  • House Republicans have a plan for fiscal responsibility: cut, cap and balance. Senate Democrats haven't passed a budget in over 1,100 days.
  • Our country will remain only as strong as the families within its borders.
  • President #Obama has utterly failed to lead America. Instead of inspiring confidence and pride, he has fostered fear. #change
  • My Republican colleagues have passed 32 job-related bills out of the House to help Americans. Senate Democrats have stalled all of the bills
  • A great tragedy struck #Aurora, Colorado last night in the #theatershooting. May God comfort the families of the victims in their sorrow.
  • President #Obama has consistently alienated our closest friends and emboldened our most radical enemies.
  • We stand in solidarity with the people of #Israel. The cowardly attacks in Bulgaria demonstrate why Iran must never obtain a nuclear weapon.
  • If the United States does not take our spending disease seriously, we will see our children suffer for the tough choices we refused to make.
  • If, in fact, all the abortions in America have murdered innocent human life, then we have witnessed the greatest genocide in world history.
  • Americans deserve better than #Obamacare, the #Obama economy and the Obama deficits. Come November, Americans will make their voices heard!
  • Hospitals struggling under the burden of Obamacare:
  • All men & women who put on the uniform of our country are true American heroes. Those who have died wearing that uniform did not die in vain
  • My thoughts and prayers are with the family of Army Staff Sgt Carl Eric Hammar. Their sacrifice - and Carl's - will never be forgotten.
  • My heart is saddened tonight upon hearing the news that Army Staff Sgt Carl Eric Hammar of Arizona was killed in Afghanistan last weekend.
  • President #Obama's belief that government, not hard work, creates business success again proves that he is out of touch with Americans.
  • I have news for President #Obama: hard work by the American people DOES create business success. Government does not!
  • Mr. #Obama has never run a business in his life, yet he arrogantly says business owners shouldn't be credited for their businesses' success.
  • I'm encouraged to see the House of Representatives fulfill its intended role as the body closest to, and most representative of, Americans.
  • I joined my colleagues today in successfully voting to overturn Obamacare and will continue to work to strip the law's funding.
  • I personally witnessed Eric Holder's contradictions when I questioned him last year over Operation Fast and Furious:
  • On July 11, the House will vote for a #fullrepeal of #Obamacare. On November 6, the American people will vote for a #fullrepeal of Mr. Obama
  • The Supreme Court had their say today, but make no mistake: come the first Tuesday of November, the American people will have theirs.
  • RT @IRFCaucus: @IRFCaucus Chairs @RepTrentFranks & Cong. Shuler mark #WorldRefugeeDay & are committed to protect religious minor ...
  • RT @westerncaucus: Are unnecessary and over burdensome regulations preventing American Energy Independence what the President meant by # ...
  • On this day in history: "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall."
  • RT Planned Parenthood has no business in America's high schools.