Martha Roby

Alabama's 2nd District

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  • "Rep. Martha Roby says president's sequestration plan is just another tax increase" from @LeadaGore
  • The President is wrong - we can't tax our way out of the #sequester, and we can't tax our way out of debt. Spending is the real problem.
  • A recent CBO report showed that the federal government will take in more revenue than ever before...$2.7 trillion dollars.
  • The President sees his #sequester as a chance to push across yet another tax increase, even though taxes just went up earlier this year.
  • The sequester cuts are too much, too fast - there is a smarter way to cut spending, like the 2 House passed bills to offset the #sequester
  • Visited Maxwell AFB yesterday to talk #sequester. The @MGMAdvertiser got it right with the headline: "Under the ax"
  • Meet JR & Debbie Roberts, Crenshaw County Chamber of Commerce "Citizens of the Year!" Great to be in Luverne tonight
  • As you can imagine he has a lot on his plate right now with the #sequester cuts. We’re fortunate to have Col. Edwards in command at Maxwell
  • Very much appreciate 42nd Air Base Wing Commander Col Trent Edwards inviting me out & hosting me at Maxwell AFB today
  • HAPPENING NOW: I am joining Greg Budell live on 93.1 FM in Montgomery. You can also listen online here:
  • Now headed to Maxwell Air Force Base to meet with 42nd Air Base Wing Commander Col. Trent Edwards to discuss #sequestration.
  • Just met with Ag Commissioner McMillian and ALFA in my MGM office to discuss irrigation development for AL farmers.
  • This isn't complicated. The President got his tax increase in Jan.Now CBO says fed govt will take in RECORD revenue.We don't need more taxes
  • Told the @nytimes “It’s unconscionable to use our military men &women in uniform as a bargaining chip to raise taxes”
  • POTUS already got his tax hike. Time for mandatory spending reform RT @nytimes: GOP Resisting Obama on Tax Increase
  • Now on to speak to the Enterprise-Coffee-Geneva Economic Development Corp annual meeting. #sequester will surely be the topic of discussion.
  • Had a great roundtable w/ Dr. Heinrich & Comm College presidents from AL abt how we can support their critical role in workforce development
  • Fun & productive visit to @EnterpriseState. It’s Homecoming & students were doing something called the Harlem Shake?
  • On the road to Enterprise, the City of Progress! It's also a city in the crosshairs of the president's #sequester with Ft. Rucker next door
  • People in the Wiregrass understand that the President & Dems already got their tax increase. What we need are better, smarter spending cuts
  • Spoke to Dothan Rotary today and the #sequester was on most everyone's mind. No surprise given impact on Fort Rucker
  • Thanks to Dr. Jack Sasser for the wonderful service you and your staff at Wiregrass Rehab provide for our community.
  • At Dothan's Wiregrass Rehab, a special place providing career training for folks who might struggle to find work.
  • Always a good time sitting down on "The Front Porch" with my friend Charlie Platt (@WDHN)
  • RT @908AW: Our Representative in congress, Martha Roby gave the Republican Address Saturday. Since she discusses the... ...
  • Read the full OpEd at the @MGMAdvertiser's webpage
  • We're calling on Senate & Pres to come together now to replace the #sequester — not with more tax increases, but with better, smarter cuts
  • The House has already voted twice to replace the president’s #sequester with targeted spending cuts based on real budget priorities.
  • #Sequester was Pres Obama's plan. That matters, not b/c of who should get the blame, but b/c of who should be leading the effort to fix it
  • I hope you'll read my most recent OpEd in the @MGMAdvertiser about the devastating effects of #sequester -
  • Who is your favorite U.S. President, and why?
  • This President’s Day, join me in honoring our past leaders who helped lay the foundation for our Republic.
  • Our 1st president, George Washington once said, “Every post is honorable in which a man can serve his country...”
  • RT @EdWorkforce: VIDEO: E&W member @RepMarthaRoby delivers the weekly #GOP address:
  • RT @aldotcom: U.S. Rep. Martha Roby's message for the GOP - Video #ALPolitics
  • RT @SpeakerBoehner: Weekly #GOP address: Replacing #Obamaquester responsibly is critical #4jobs & a strong nat’l defense ...
  • "We can come together now to replace the president’s sequester– not w/ more tax increases, but with better, more responsible spending cuts."
  • "And it is a shame that our Commander-in-Chief is using the military he leads as leverage in an ideological crusade for higher taxes."
  • “No one should be talking abt raising your taxes when the fed govt is still spending billions on things like giving people free cell phones"
  • "If you feel a sense of déjà vu, you’re not alone. After all the ink has barely dried on the tax hikes the president pushed through in Jan"
  • "...President Obama and Senate Democrats see his sequester as an opportunity to push through another tax increase..."
  • "In fact the Republican-led House has already voted twice to replace POTUS' sequester w/ targeted cuts based on real budget priorities"
  • "There is a smarter way to reduce the size of gov't than to slash defense spending, threaten national security, and hurt military families"
  • VIDEO: In the Weekly GOP Address, I invite POTUS & Senate Dems to join efforts to replace #sequester w/ smarter cuts
  • RT @gopconference: Watch @RepMarthaRoby deliver the Weekly #GOP Address on the damaging effects of Pres Obama's #sequester ...
  • Watch the address online Saturday morning at, or check local listings for national broadcast
  • I appreciate the opportunity to speak on behalf of my GOP colleagues &convey our plan to replace the President’s sequester with smarter cuts
  • #Sequester was Pres Obama’s idea. That matters, not b/c of who should get the blame, but b/c of who should be leading the effort to fix it
  • Proud to be delivering the Weekly GOP Address on sequester. We took this photo while recording. More details soon...
  • Government employee pay raises are a luxury we cannot afford when the government can’t even balance its budget.
  • Today, I voted to reinstate the pay freeze for federal workers. The Presidents pay hike would cost $11 billion.
  • Chuck Poland gave his life so that others may live and, for that, he will always be remembered.
  • Earlier this week, I entered a tribute to Chuck Poland into the Congressional Record. You can read the entry here:
  • VIDEO: At @EdWorkforce hearing, I asked about innovation in the classroom, including Ala's "Digital Learning Month"
  • Honored to meet with General Grass, Chief of the National Guard Bureau, about the dangerous threat of sequestration.
  • It was great to visit with a group from the Alabama Rural Waterways Assoc.(@NRWA) yesterday. Thanks for coming by!
  • RT @SpeakerBoehner: MT @RepMarthaRoby: Pres Obama said last night #sequester was a bad idea. Mr. President, sequest ...
  • RT @RepTimGriffin: Thanks to @RepMarthaRoby for cosponsoring my bill to end the government's free cell phone program! Learn more: http:/ ...
  • On Ft Rucker: “We’ve streamlined our ability there.. but we cant take shortcuts b/c this is very serious business"
  • “A lot of aircraft; a lot of capability… the implications are very serious to our future readiness." full video:
  • Today I asked Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno what impact #sequester will have on Army Aviation capability...
  • There is a smarter way to reduce the size of government than the President's military sequester. VIDEO:
  • The President said last night that the #sequester was a bad idea. Mr. President, the sequester was your idea.
  • You can watch the hearing here:
  • Taking part in a House Armed Services Committee (@HASCRepublicans) hearing with the Joint Chiefs on the potential impact of #sequestration.
  • I will be joining House leadership this morning to discuss the President's sequestration military cuts and his love for tax increases.
  • @BamaJD thank you, Judd! So nice to connect with you and @TonyaTerry from Washington. See you soon!
  • Joining @WTVY news live from Washington right now to give my reaction to the President's speech. Tune in!
  • Will be joining @wsfa12news live from Washington @ 6:30 central to discuss the President's speech last night and the latest on sequestration
  • A larger federal government, more spending, and higher taxes aren't the answer. My reaction to tonight's #SOTU
  • Show’s over. Didn’t hear credible plan to get control of debt. Speech mostly based in liberal ideology, not fiscal reality #notserious #SOTU
  • How can we work together to fix the debt problem if others deny it exists? "Obama: Job of debt reduction nearly done"
  • Congratulations to General Dunford on taking command of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan.
  • Unconscionable that our Commander-in-Chief would use our military &national security as leverage in his ideological crusade for higher taxes
  • President Obama proposed the #sequester, then said it wouldn't happen, and now he is using it as an opportunity to raise taxes even more.
  • But the Senate never acted on those bills, and the President refuses to provide serious leadership on this issue.
  • I've twice voted for House-passed plans to replace the military #sequester w/ targeted, reasonable reductions based on our budget priorities
  • There is a smarter way to reduce govt spending than to slash the military budget & hollow out defense forces #sequester
  • One of my primary goals in Congress is to sniff out excess spending and burdensome regulations to rein in the size and scope of government.
  • You can read the report and keep up with the job-killing regulations and unnecessary red tape here:
  • 127 million hours! That’s how much time will be required of Americans in order to fully comply with Obamacare according to a new report.
  • Happy Birthday President Reagan! I love this press conference picture with his portrait in the background.
  • I don’t think it’s a lot to ask to #RequireAPlan of the Commander-in-Chief given the enormous fiscal challenges before us.
  • We know the President disagrees with our approach, but he’s yet to offer his plan to solve our short-term and long-term budget issues.
  • That’s what we voted for today in the House– to #RequireAPlan from Pres Obama for how he intends to get our nation back to fiscal stability.
  • Our country is deeply in debt, and like any individual or family that finds itself upside down financially, we need a plan to get out.
  • Sequestration is real, and it’s coming. It’s past time President Obama & Senate Democrats got serious about their plan to replace it.
  • Just this morning I met with Army aviation commanders who illustrated how serious the consequences of sequester cuts are for our military
  • It doesn’t have to be this complicated. The problem is they see every decision as an opportunity to raise taxes, and that’s unfortunate
  • If the Pres & Senate Dems disagree w/ our sequester replacement plan, they should come up with their own so we can hammer out an agreement
  • The House has twice passed a reasonable plan to replace arbitrary sequester cuts w/ targeted cuts that align with the nation’s priorities
  • Rather than start a blame game, Pres O & Senate Dems should join us in actually trying to solve the sequester problem
  • Busy morning! Will be sure to post pics later. Now to Education & Workforce hearing on challenges &opportunities facing school & workplace
  • Live on Fox News now to thank all the law enforcement officers and first responders who worked so hard to bring Ethan home safe.
  • I pray the terror he sought to inflict is ceaselessly overcome by the outpouring of love, hope & kindness from Dale Co & around the world
  • Senseless doesn’t begin to describe this individual’s actions.
  • And thank you to the local, state & federal law enforcement who have worked around the clock for almost a week to rescue this little boy
  • While we rejoice over the child’s safety, let’s also honor the heroism of Charles Poland, the bus driver who stood between Dykes & the kids
  • As a mother of two young children, it is especially horrifying to imagine what fear Ethan & his family have been living in this past week
  • I thank God that Ethan is safe and that this terrible situation is finally over.