Thursday, February 14, 2013
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Public Affairs Office (PAO)

Functions of the Allied Command Transformation Public Affairs Office:

  • The Public Affairs Office (PAO) is responsible for the drafting, and for globally communicating, the Strategic Vision and Message of NATO's SACT (Supreme Allied Commander Transformation) and DSACT (Deputy SACT) as well as drafting and maintaining NATO's BiSC (Bi-lateral Strategic Command) Strategic Vision Plan.

  • PAO is the personal spokesperson and advisor for NATO's SACT (Supreme Allied Commander Transformation), DSACT (Deputy SACT) and COS (Chief of Staff). PAO is also the command spokesperson and represents Allied Command Transformation and all subordinate commands, including SACTREPEUR (Supreme Allied Commander Transformation's Representative in Europe), in the public's eye.

  • PAO manages the public perception of the command, the corporate image of the command and manages command information products and news.

  • PAO identifies and drafts PA strategy and goals that are needed to reach the end state of SACT's (Supreme Allied Commander Transformation's) intent and vision and is also responsible for the transformation and standardization of NATO BiSC Public Affairs functions and responsibilities.

  • PAO is responsible for public information support to the Joint Warfare Center (JWC), the Joint Analysis Lessons Learned Center (JALLC) and Joint Force Training Center (JFTC).

  • PAO plans and organizes external media interviews and events for Allied Command Transformation staff and personnel by coordinating press conferences and media interviews, which support SACT's (Supreme Allied Commander Transformation's) intent and vision.

  • PAO has the primary responsibility for the NATO Public Affairs Course and for the curriculum for NATO Public Affairs training courses.

  • PAO manages and maintains the look, design and content of the official ACT publically-accessible, unclassified internet website.

  • PAO also coordinates and administers 10+ annual International and National NATO Briefing Team trips as well as coordinates and publicizes NATO community events locally in the Norfolk, VA region.

Public Affairs Staff:

  • Captain Jerome Erulin, French Navy - Chief Strategic Communications
  • Mr. Roy Thorvaldsen, Norwegian Civilian - Chief Public Affairs
  • Mr. Paolo Giordano, Italian Civilian - Web Site Manager
  • Lieutenant Colonel Luc Gaudet, Canadian Army - StratCom/PA Training & Exercise Officer
  • Major Sebastien Caron, French Army - Plans & Policy Officer
  • Major Jeff Pray, U.S. Army - Media Officer
  • Warrant Officer Roberto Camasso, Italian Army - Administrative Clerk

For Media-related queries please contact:

Allied Command Transformation Public Affairs Office (ACT PAO)
7857 Blandy Road, Suite 100 Norfolk, VA 23551-2490
Tel: +1 (757) 747-3600, Fax: +1 (757) 747-3234

For all other queries click here