Maritime Program

Quick Facts

Published in the National Transportation Statistics


Intermodal Passenger Connectivity Database
The Intermodal Passenger Connectivity Database includes records for each passenger transportation terminal, with data on the availability of connections among the various scheduled public transportation modes at each facility. In the aggregate, these data give a measurement of the extent of intermodal connectivity in the passenger transportation system. This database currently includes intercity rail stations, commuter rail stations, airline airports, and ferry terminals.
National Census of Ferry Operators
The Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) manages the National Census of Ferry Operators (NFCO), which provides data on ferry operators, routes, terminals, and vessels. Starting in 2006, BTS conducts a biennial NFCO survey, from which ferry survey results are combined with operational data from other sources, including the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Coast Guard.
National Transportation Atlas Database
The National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD) is a set of nationwide geographic databases of transportation facilities, transportation networks, and associated infrastructure.


Major BTS publications, containing Maritime data and statistics:

Fact Sheets

Maritime-related BTS Fact Sheets:

Special Reports

Maritime-related BTS Special Report:

Technical Reports

Maritime-related BTS Technical Report:

Trends Reports


Maritime Data Working Group
The Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) sponsors the interagency Maritime Data Working Group (Group), which holds quarterly meetings to talk about maritime data availability, collection, gaps, standardization, and quality.  In addition, the Group supports joint research projects and sponsors interagency publications.

Related Links

Marine Transportation System (MTS) Data Inventory
The Committee on the Marine Transportation System sponsors the MTS data inventory, which contains an overview of available marine transportation-related information that the Federal government either uses or produces.

The Maritime Administration hosts MarView, which provides the ability to fuse data together to create models and simulations for capacity planning, economic impact analysis, on-demand forecasting, and plans for mitigating and reacting to emergencies.

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