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Satellite Meteorology and Climatology Division

Mission Statement

SMCD conducts research and develops new satellite products to improve and expand the use of satellite data for monitoring global meteorological, environmental and climatological conditions. The Division conducts an end-to-end program ranging from planning new satellite instruments to developing new satellite products and applications and transitioning these developments to operations in NOAA's weather, climate, and environmental monitoring and prediction systems. Most of the Division's research and development falls in the following discipline areas:

  • Atmospheric variables - temperature, humidity, winds
  • Land surface variables - vegetation, snow and ice cover
  • Hydrological Cycle variables - precipitation, clouds, water vapor
  • Environmental hazards - aviation hazards, air quality, fires, heavy rainfall and flash floods, drought
  • Climate variables - ozone, Earth radiation budget, aerosols, greenhouse gases

In addition to developing new and improved products, we conduct the following crosscutting activities:

  • Calibrating satellite instruments
  • Transitioning research products to operational production
  • Developing radiative transfer models for the National Weather Service (NWS) Numerical Weather
  • Prediction (NWP) satellite data assimilation systems
  • Developing and analyzing long-term satellite data sets for studying and assessing climate change
  • Planning and preparing for new satellite instruments

To execute its activities, SMCD has an active visiting scientist program, an extensive task order contract support system, and access to Cooperative Institutes via grants, which provides scientists and software specialists to support the SMCD investigators. Its scientists also collaborate with colleagues both nationally and internationally.


image: SMCD Annual Report CoverSatellite Meteorology and
Climatology Division (SMCD)
2010 Annual Report

Download SMCD's FY2010 Annual Report, (PDF, 2.63 MB, 4/26/2011)

Message from Mitch Goldberg
Chief, Satellite Meteorology & Climatology Division

On behalf of the Satellite Meteorology and Climatology Division (SMCD), it is my pleasure to present the Fiscal Year 2010 Report. This report summarizes the major activities and accomplishments within my division throughout the year.

As an organization focused on the research and development of new satellite products, SMCD is actively engaged and committed to improve and expand the use of satellite data for monitoring global meteorological, environmental and climatological conditions.

I am very proud to share this report on our accomplishments, which include the Division’s completed tasks, highlights from workshops and meetings attended, published papers, and training provided during the Fiscal Year.

We contributed to the Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) mission through the following outcomes:

  • Ensuring high quality calibrated observations and products:
    • Characteristics Of AMSU Instrument Errors
    • NOAA's Newest GOES Sounder
    • The Stratospheric Temperature Climate Record
  • Improved utilization of satellite observations
    • The Community Radiative Transfer Model
    • Malaria Tracking
    • Soil Saturation
  • Transition to Operations: Products below were transitioned to NESDIS Office of Satellite Data Processing and Distribution (OSDPD)
    • NOAA-19 Green Vegetation Fraction (GVF) Production
    • METOP AVHRR Polar Winds
    • Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MIRS)
  • Leadership and Development of new Algorithms and Applications for Future Operational Satellite Observing Systems (JPSS and GOES-R)
    • The Joint Polar Satellite Systems (JPSS) Data Products and Algorithms Group (DPAG)
    • Ensuring Monitoring of the Antarctic Ozone Hole far into the Future
  • National and International Collaborations:
    • NESDIS – India Ministry of Earth Sciences Arrangement
    • CEOS Dome C Inter-comparison Project
    • Flash Flood Workshop in Black Sea Region
    • NOAA Workshop On Climate Data Records From Satellite Microwave Radiometers
  • Education, Outreach and Training:
    • Virtual Institute for Satellite Integration Training (VISIT) program

In December we said a fond farewell to Hank Drahos, my branch chief of twelve years. He will be greatly missed. I wish him a long and happy retirement, and I particularly want to thank him for his support in operating the Division. His help and support to me as Chief has been invaluable.

Please join me in welcoming Laurie Rokke who joined us earlier this year. "Who we are" gives more details. Dr. Rokke's experience will bring new insight and expertise to our team, and complement our existing strengths.

I hope you enjoy reading our accomplishments. Although these are a representative sample of my Division’s scientific activities in FY10, they demonstrate the dedication of the hard-working staff in SMCD. I am confident that our highly talented staff and our commitment to investment in research and development will continue to support further progress in the year ahead. I look forward to working closely with our team and partners for many years to come.


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