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Pine Springs, Guadalupe Mountains National Park
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WeatherSky Cond. Temperature (ºF)Relative
PressurePrecipitation (in.)
AirDwpt6 hour altimeter
sea level
1 hr 3 hr6 hr
1212:51E 24 G 289.00Fair and BreezyCLR5917 594519%30.251020.4
1211:51E 17 G 288.00FairCLR5716 20%30.231019.7
1210:51E 188.00FairCLR5314 21%30.211019.4
1209:51NE 208.00FairCLR5113 22%30.191018.6
1208:51SW 88.00FairCLR4712 24%30.151017.6
1207:51SW 1010.00FairCLR4512 26%30.121016.1
1206:51SW 1610.00FairCLR4612 484325%30.091014.9
1205:51SW 1810.00FairCLR4512 26%30.091014.6
1204:51SW 2110.00Fair and BreezyCLR4412 27%30.081014.8
1203:51SW 2110.00Fair and BreezyCLR4712 24%30.081014.4
1202:51SW 2210.00Fair and BreezyCLR4712 24%30.101015.1
1201:51SW 189.00FairCLR4712 24%30.101015.4
1200:51SW 179.00FairCLR4712 594724%30.101016.1
1123:51SW 239.00Fair and BreezyCLR4813 24%30.101016.2
1122:51SW 2910.00Fair and WindyCLR5014 24%30.081016.4
1121:51SW 2610.00Fair and WindyCLR5114 23%30.071016.3
1120:51SW 2810.00Fair and WindyCLR5313 20%30.061015.6
1119:51SW 29 G 388.00Fair and WindyCLR5613 18%30.051015.0
1118:51W 368.00Fair and WindyCLR5912 615115%30.041014.3
1117:51W 32 G 438.00Fair and WindyCLR6013 16%30.051014.4
1116:51W 36 G 488.00Fair and WindyCLR6014 16%30.051014.4
1115:51SW 28 G 448.00Fair and WindyCLR6016 18%30.071015.4
1114:51SW 26 G 438.00Fair and WindyCLR5817 20%30.101016.5
1113:51W 338.00Fair and WindyCLR5618 22%30.141018.1
1112:51SW 30 G 379.00Fair and WindyCLR5117 513426%30.161019.2
1111:51SW 22 G 329.00Fair and BreezyCLR4916 27%30.181020.4
1110:51SW 188.00FairCLR4015 36%30.181021.4
1109:51SW 158.00FairCLR3714 39%30.181021.9
1108:51SW 168.00FairCLR3614 40%30.171021.5
1107:51SW 189.00FairCLR3613 39%30.171021.1
1106:51SW 129.00FairCLR3414 393344%30.161020.8
1105:51W 139.00FairCLR3512 38%30.161020.2
1104:51SW 139.00FairCLR3512 38%30.151020.3
1103:51W 109.00FairCLR3612 37%30.161020.7
1102:51W 149.00FairCLR3712 36%30.171020.8
1101:51W 129.00FairCLR3713 37%30.181021.0
1100:51SW 910.00FairCLR3913 423734%30.191021.5
1023:51E 1010.00FairCLR3711 34%30.191022.0
1022:51NE 1010.00FairCLR3712 36%30.191022.1
1021:51E 1310.00FairCLR3713 37%30.171021.6
1020:51NE 1010.00FairCLR3812 34%30.161021.3
1019:51E 98.00FairCLR4012 32%30.131020.3
1018:51NE 98.00OvercastOVC0704212 463929%30.111019.5
1017:51Calm8.00OvercastBKN060 OVC0804512 26%30.111018.7
1016:51E 108.00OvercastBKN060 OVC0754312 28%30.111018.7
1015:51E 9 G 218.00OvercastOVC0604211 28%30.101018.5
1014:51E 10 G 238.00OvercastOVC0554313 29%30.101018.0
1013:51NE 15 G 298.00A Few CloudsFEW0604313 29%30.111018.5
1012:51NE 22 G 328.00Fair and BreezyCLR3913 423134%30.121018.9
1011:51NE 29 G 378.00Fair and WindyCLR3915 38%30.101018.4
1010:51NE 32 G 398.00Fair and WindyCLR3617 46%30.091018.0
1009:51E 33 G 408.00Fair and WindyCLR3516 46%30.081017.7
1008:51NE 35 G 408.00Fair and WindyCLR3316 49%30.071017.7
1007:51NE 239.00Fair and BreezyCLR3120 64%30.041016.4
1006:51NE 269.00Fair and WindyCLR3220 403261%30.031015.2
1005:51NE 1610.00FairCLR3320 58%30.011014.2
1004:51S 810.00FairCLR3423 64%30.001013.6
1003:51S 510.00FairCLR3623 59%29.991013.2
1002:51Vrbl 7 G 1710.00FairCLR3823 55%29.991013.0
1001:51W 18 G 3010.00FairCLR3922 50%29.961012.2
1000:51W 25 G 3810.00Fair and BreezyCLR4022 523949%29.951011.7
0923:51W 41 G 569.00Fair and WindyCLR4020 45%29.861008.9
0922:51W 36 G 5210.00Fair and WindyCLR4218 38%29.891009.7
0921:51W 22 G 449.00A Few Clouds and BreezyFEW1204317 35%29.901010.4
0920:51W 37 G 469.00Fair and WindyCLR4316 34%29.861009.3
0919:51W 31 G 476.00Fair with Haze and WindyCLR4716 29%29.851008.3
0918:51W 37 G 487.00Fair and WindyCLR5215 554823%29.811006.3
0917:51W 37 G 566.00A Few Clouds with Haze and WindyFEW0855413 19%29.811005.3
0916:51SW 41 G 577.00A Few Clouds and WindyFEW0705418 24%29.781004.1
0915:51W 46 G 637.00A Few Clouds and WindyFEW0655420 26%29.781003.5
0914:51W 46 G 576.00Mostly Cloudy with Haze and WindyFEW040 BKN0605222 31%29.811005.0
0913:51SW 44 G 568.00Overcast and WindyBKN055 OVC0705024 36%29.841006.0
WeatherSky Cond. AirDwptMax.Min.Relative
sea level
1 hr3 hr6 hr
6 hour
Temperature (ºF)PressurePrecipitation (in.)

National Weather Service
Southern Region Headquarters
Fort Worth, Texas
Last Modified: June 14, 2005
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