
U.S. Army Central Family Readiness Program is constantly striving to improve and provide the best services that we can to Soldiers,Civilians and families within U.S. Army Central.  Accordingly, we value your opinion and concerns.  We ask that you take an active role in helping us to meet your needs and concerns.

Please take a moment and tell us how we can improve our Family Readiness Program by answering the following questions:

Please identify your status :
Where do you live (city?):
Length of time in the military or as a military spouse:
Length of time in U.S. Army Central:
Describe your experience as an FRG participant:
Within the FRG arena, what have you found useful to you and your family:
Is the FRG Program within U.S. Army Central meeting your needs:
If not, please tell us how we can amend this:
Do you know who your FRG POC is within your section:
Do you know who your Zip Code Zone Leader is for your area:
How would you rate this Outreach effort (Scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest):
Do you participate in any FRG events:
If not, please explain why:
Are you informed about FRG events and pertinent information in a timely manner:
What would you like to implement within the U.S. Army Central FRG Program:



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