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Mineral Resources On-Line Spatial Data

Mineral Resources > Online Spatial Data > Catalog > Physiographic features
Mineral deposit areas
Areas where masses of naturally occurring mineral material are found, e.g. metal ores or nonmetallic minerals. [Adapted from Glossary of Geology, 4th ed.]
This category is also used for coal fields, coalfields, lodes (mineral), petroleum basins, placers, and salt deposit areas.
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A compendium of references to previously published databases and database records that describe PGE, nickel, and chromium deposits and occurrences. These data show where to obtain more detailed information about each deposit or occurrence.
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Geology and mineral deposits of the Keweenaw Peninsula and vicinity, Michigan [New Window]
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PDF Geology and nonfuel mineral deposits of Africa and the Middle East [New Window]
Delineated areas of the world that are geologically permissive for the occurrence of undiscovered selected nonfuel mineral resources together with estimates of the quantity and quality of the resources
Identification of mineral resources in Afghanistan-Detecting and mapping resource anomalies in prioritized areas using geophysical and remote sensing (ASTER and HyMap) data [New Window]
Using geophysical and remote-sensing data, previously unrecognized targets of potential mineralization were identified; this report shows those targets along with the evidence for their potential.
Lithochronologic units and mineral deposits of the Appalachian Orogen from Maine to Alabama [New Window]
Geologic age, lithology, faults, and mineral deposit information (major deposits and those smaller deposits thought to be representative of the metallogenic character of the area).
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