Federal Aviation Administration

Airport Safety Awards

Airports - Southern Region

Airport Safety Awards

Each year the Southern Region Airports Division recognizes excellence in airports and airport managers throughout the region with the issuance of select awards. These awards are given by the FAA Southern Region Airports Division to commend those receiving them for their hard work and diligence, and for their devoted efforts in improving airport safety. They, in a small way, reflect the respect that the FAA Southern Region Airports Division has for the many airports and airport managers within the region that have dedicated themselves to excellence in aviation and aviation safety.

The Southern Region Airports Division gives the following annual awards:

  • Air Carrier Airport Safety Award
  • Air Carrier Airport Manager of the Year
  • General Aviation Airport Safety Award
  • General Aviation Airport Manager of the Year
  • Airport Safety Mark of Distinction Award

Page Last Modified: 03/11/11 14:06 EST

This page can be viewed online at: http://www.faa.gov/airports/southern/airport_safety/awards/