Events: Responsive Design and WIKITHONS!

A red pen circling a date on a calendar.You need resources, and we are here to help with excellent webinars and events to jump start your agency’s efforts.

Mobile is heating up this summer, what with the implementation of the Digital Strategy kicking off and anytime, anywhere, any device content being a key tenet. So, mark your calendars.

Responsive Design Webinar

First up, a webinar on responsive design. Responsive design is the new, hot technique to make content work on different devices. The idea is to serve a single site that can rearrange itself and function well on phones, tablets, and desktops. Everyone is talking about it, but is anyone really doing it?

What You’ll Learn

  • How responsive design can support device-agnostic content delivery—as called for in the Digital Innovation Strategy
  • When responsive design makes sense, and when it doesn’t
  • Design implementation “walkthroughs” at other agencies
  • Challenges, lessons learned and tips for approaching responsive design

When: Wednesday [Tuesday], June 27, 2012 from 2 – 3 PM ET

Sign up for this free and timely webinar and get ahead of the curve. Register now.

Summer Wikithons!

Also for your calendars, a summer full of wiki love! [Not sure, what's a wikithon? You can learn more here.]

June Wikithon @ National Library of Medicine

The theme of the June wikithon is SHARING! National Library of Medicine has been working on mobile guidance and we are going to help incorporate their great work  into the Mobile Gov wiki so everyone can benefit. Expect  plenty of discussion about best practices, guidelines, and meeting the needs of specific agencies. Contact NLM’s David Hale ( david.hale at ) or Carey Erickson (carey.erickson at with questions.

When: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 10 a.m.-noon

Location: National Library of Medicine, on the National Institutes of Health Campus in Bethesda, Maryland.

Getting there: NIH is located at the Medical Center Station on the Red Line. Parking is also available. NLM recommends adding 15 minutes to travel time for going through the NIH visitors center  and getting a guest badge. It’s about a 5 minute walk from the visitors center to NLM. (map)

July Wikithon SEARCH

Join the search team and their developers as we focus on mobile search and how to make mobile search better in general and on

When: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 “Improve Mobile Search”
Location: 801 18th St NW # 1 Washington, DC 20006 (map)

Track all our wikithons at Hope to see you this summer.

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  1. Jun 20th, 2012 at 22:26 | #1

    Thank you for your article. I want remember to you a collection of wordpress responsive design in

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