NERSCPowering Scientific Discovery Since 1974

NERSC Users Group (NUG)

The NERSC Users' Group, NUG, welcomes participation from all NERSC users. NUG provides advice and feedback to NERSC on the current state and future delivery of NERSC resources and services. NUG promotes the effective use of the high performance computing facilities at NERSC by sharing information about experiences in using the facility, suggesting new research and technology directions in scientific computing, and voicing user concerns.

NUG members converse with NERSC and DOE through monthly teleconferences, NUG email lists, and yearly face-to-face meetings.

NERSC holds annual face-to-face meetings. 

Monthly NUG Teleconferences

 NUG holds monthly teleconferences with NERSC, usually on the first Thursday of the month, from 11:00 to 12:00 Pacific Time.  All NERSC users, regarless of experience or sophistication, and welcome and encouraged to attend. Connection details are sent montly via email to all NERSC users. NUG teleconferences are on the Events Calendar. Read More »

NUG Annual Meetings

NUG hold annual face-to-face meetings. The annual meetings usually consist of one "business day" and one to three days of High Performance Computing training. Read More »

NUG Executive Committee (NUGEX)

NUGEX is the voice of the user community to NERSC and DOE. While all NUG events are open to all NERSC users, NUGEX members regularly participate in the monthly teleconfernces and the annual face-to-face meeting. NUGEX is consulted on many NERSC policy issues, e.g., batch configurations, disk quotas, services and training offerings. Members of NUGEX also participate in their office's NERSC Requirements Reviews of High Performance Computing and Storage. There are three representatives from each office and three members-at-large. Read More »

NUG Charter

The National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) Users Group (NUG) is the users group for the NERSC facility at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. NERSC is developed and maintained under the auspices of the Office of Science, U. S. Department of Energy (DOE). Read More »