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Installations and Logistics

Excellence in Logistics

Sustainment Section (LPC-2)


The Sustainment Section is that group of active duty and civilian Marine logisticians who coordinates the development, formulation, validation, and update of Marine Corps policy for supply, and ground weapon system maintenance; exercise oversight of maintenance programs from organizational to depot level maintenance to include: core capability, partnerships, requirements, etc.; project the health and status of Marine Corps equipment based on current and projected operations; focus on equipment either in or having participated in GWOT operations, to forecast sustainment and replenishment requirements, as well as, any critical end item life cycle degradation.

Specific functions include:

  • Formulate, validate, and update Marine Corps supply policy.
  • Formulate, validate, and update Marine Corps maintenance ground weapon system policy.
  • Maintenance Management Office of the Marine Corps.
  • Oversight of maintenance programs from organizational to depot level maintenance to include: core capability, partnerships, requirements, etc.
  • Arms, ammunition, and explosive policy.
  • Functional advocate for Product Quality Deficiency Reports.
  • Marine Corps lead for Joint Oil Analysis Program.
  • Occupational Field Sponsorship: Exercises oversight and serves as subject matter experts for Logistics Combat Element (LCE) OccFlds:
- 2lXX Ground Ordnance Maintenance
- 30XX Supply Administration and Operations
- 0411 Maintenance Management
  • Serve as technical advisors by assisting in the classification, training, and assignment of personnel within an MOS.
  • Serve as the principal point of contact between the TFSD and the Marine Corps with regard to force structure requirements, intended structure changes, and unique operational considerations that may affect force structure and result in OccFld assignment actions.
  • Review MOS training tracks to ensure program of instruction accuracy and efficiency and, if necessary, initiate change requests. Participate in the development, review, and revision of individual training standards, course descriptive data, and programs of instruction. Participate in the Training Input Plan (TIP) Conference regarding all primary MOS training requirements (initial and skill progression) requirements.
  • Serve as the principal agent responsible for recommending MOS grade structure modifications during MOS enlisted and officer grade structure reviews.

Advocate for:

  • Equipment Accountability across the Enterprise.
  • Corrosion control/CPAC
  • Program Manager, Test, Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment
  • Cannibalization
  • Depot level maintenance


  • Consumer-level Supply:
- Serialized Small Arms Accountability
- Automation of Crane and MLSR Processes
- Garrison Supply Enterprise Initiative
- Enterprise Equipment Accountability

  • Intermediate level Supply:
- Maintenance Management Policy 
- Item Unique Identification (IUID)
- Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
- Forward stocking
- Clothing Recruit Depots

  • Depot Maintenance:
- Depot Level Strategic Plan 
- Performance-Based Logistics/Agreements 
- Maintenance Metrics/Balanced Score Carding 
- Depot Partnerships 
- Theory of Constraints 
- Commercial Technologies for Maintenance Activities
- Joint Oil Analysis Program (JOAP) 
- Corrosion, Prevention, and Control Program (CPAC) 
- 50-50 report automation

  • DLA:

- Joint Regional Inventory Material Management (JRIMM)
- Joint Environmental Materiel Management Service (JEMMS)
- Performance metrics

  • DoD:

 - DoD 4140.1R Update (DoD Supply Chain Materiel Management Regulation)

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