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Installations and Logistics

Excellence in Logistics

Facilites Branch Facilities Sustainment Restoration and Modernization (LFF-2)
The Marine Corps received the prestigious Presidential Award for Leadership in Federal Energy Management on 15 July 2004. The Marine Corps Management Team made investments both domestically and overseas. In total, the Marine Corps conservation efforts have reduced energy use in 2003 by 341.8 billion Btus, realizing savings of $25.6 million. Marine Corps Ground Task Force Training Center Twentynine Palms installed a 1.1 megawatt Photovoltaic plant -the largest federal PV plant constructed. Additionally, a new 7-megawatt natural gas fired turbine cogeneration system can produce 68 percent of the base base's current electrical requirements, saving $5.8 million annually. Camp Pendleton used alternate financing to implement a solar street lighting project to increase off-grid generation. Camp Pendleton also executed two alternative financing contracts in 2003: an $11.7 million utility energy services contract and a $5.7 million energy savings performance contract. Camp Lejeune used an outreach program to broaden the impact of their energy conservation actions. The most innovative aspect of this effort is the Energy Education Program for students at Camp Lejeune schools, where students, teachers, school administrators, and base personnel work together to implement energy conservation improvement projects. This program reduced energy spending by 5.8 percent from 2002 to 2003, equivalent to a savings of $35,000.

SECNAV announced the DoN winners of Energy Conservation Awards for FY 2003 accomplishments. MCB Camp Pendleton and MCAS Yuma won the Marine Corps Large Shore and Small Shore Installation awards, respectively. Award winners will be recognized and receive cash awards at a ceremony in Washington, DC on 26 October 2004. MAGTFTC 29 Palms will also be recognized and receive a cash award at the ceremony for their "Platinum Level" energy conservation achievements in FY 2003. MCAS Beaufort, MCAS Cherry Point, MCB Camp Lejeune and MCB Camp Butler will be invited to the ceremony to be recognized for their "Gold Level" achievements.
Mission Statement
HQMC Facilities Sustainment, Restoration and Modernization Section manages and budgets for the execution of major projects for the maintenance and repair of real property. LFF-2 prepares new Facility Sustainment Restoration and Modernization (FSRM) initiatives and recommendations on the FSRM portion of the Operations and Maintenance (O&M) budget process. LFF-2 assists USMC field activities through the development and use of the Commanding Officer's Readiness Reporting System (CORRS), oversees internet the Naval Facilities Assets Data Store (iNFADS), develops facility cost accounting techniques and provides technical direction for installation facility data management systems.
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