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Installations and Logistics

Excellence in Logistics

Requirements Section (LPC-1)


The Requirements Section is that group of active duty and civilian Marine logisticians who oversee acquisition programs at the enterprise level to ensure they are supportable throughout their lifecycle. The emphasis is on driving coordination between the requirements (MCCDC, CD&I) and acquisition (MARCORSYSCOM) communities. The focus is on requirements validation and funding availability.


  • Represent HQMC, I&L as the logistics advocate by participating in Integrated Product Teams (IPT).
  • Review/validation/creation of Front End Assessments (FEA), Initial Capabilities Documents (ICD), Capabilities Development Documents (CDD), Capabilities Production Documents (CPD), Functional Solutions Analyses (FSA), Functional Needs Analyses (FNA), Manpower and Training Assessments, Urgent Universal Needs Statements (UUNS), and MAGTF Capabilities Lists (MCL)
  • Act as the Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) Subject Matter Expert (SME) for pre-Independent Logistics Assessments (ILA) and ILAs upon completion of Milestone-C approval for Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo TAMCNS.
  • Serve as Integrated Product Team (IPT) members for Condition Based Maintenance Plus (CBM+), Autonomic Logistics (AL), Design-in Reliability, Maintainability, Supportability, and Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM).
  • Represent, as the Logistics Combat Element (LCE) Advocate, the LCE community and their equipment needs in the requirements generation through fielding processes.
  • Ensure enterprise-level logistics initiatives are incorporated into all fielded systems when relevant.
  • Occupational Field Sponsorship: Exercises oversight and serves as subject matter experts for Logistics Combat Element (LCE) OccFlds:

- 0402 Logistics Officer
- 0431 Logistics/Embarkation Specialist
- 0481 Landing Support Specialist
- 0491 Logistics/Mobility Chief 
- 0451 Airborne & Air Delivery Specialist
- 35XX Motor Transport

  • Serve as technical advisors by assisting in the classification, training, and assignment of personnel within an MOS.
  • Serve as the principal point of contact between the TFSD and the Marine Corps with regard to force structure requirements, intended structure changes, and unique operational considerations that may affect force structure and result in OccFld assignment actions.
  • Review MOS training tracks to ensure program of instruction accuracy and efficiency and, if necessary, initiate change requests. Participate in the development, review, and revision of individual training standards, course descriptive data, and programs of instruction. Participate in the Training Input Plan (TIP) Conference regarding all primary MOS training requirements (initial and skill progression) requirements.
  • Serve as the principal agent responsible for recommending MOS grade structure modifications during MOS enlisted and officer grade structure reviews.

Advocate for:

  • Motor Transportation (MT) Community
  • Three Tier Logistics Advocacy Process
  • Occupational Field Sponsorship
  • Licensing
  • Critical Infrastructure Program (CIP)
- DLA Logistics Sector Representativ
- USMC, Logistics Representative
  • Capabilities Acquisition Programs 
- Ground Combat Equipment (GCE)
- Principal End Item (PEI) Support
- AAO On-hand Validation
- Logistics PEB

  • Mine Resistant Ambush Program (MRAP)
  • Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV)
  • Licensing Manual
  • Human Capital Strategic Planning (HCSP)
  • Logistics Senior Leaders Forum (LSLF)
  • Logistics Combat Element Operational Advisory Group (LCE OAG)
  • Logistics Awards for Excellence
  • Ground Logistics Awards Dinner
  • Logistics Education Programs
- Marine Corps Logistics Education Program (MCLEP)
- Logistics Fellowship
  • POM 10 Gap Analysis
  • Condition Based Maintenance


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