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Installations and Logistics

Excellence in Logistics

Land Use and Military Construction Environmental (LFL-6)
As a Marine Corps Commander, Environmental  requirements can impact all of your planned and ongoing operations. Consequently, your attitudes and actions concerning the environment can play a critical role in the mission readiness of your command. Environmental responsibilities can also provide an excellent avenue for you to demonstrate fundamental Marine Corps values. As a leader of Marines, you understand the concept and reality of “leadership by example.” You also recognize that in the Marine Corps, every accomplishment begins and ends with the individual Marine. Your efforts to epitomize the ideals of honor, courage, self-discipline, and commitment upon which our country and Corps were founded can be exemplified through the environmental excellence of your command. The following points delineate key aspects of the link between Marine Corps ideals and a commitment to the environment. 

Commanders Guide

Mission Statement
Plan, develop, and manage forward looking environmental programs for the United States Marine Corps. Enhance operational readiness through efficient, publicly responsive and technologically advanced environmental training and education, pollution prevention, conservation, compliance, and cleanup programs. 


DEMONSTRATE: Leadership in environmental security: compliance, pollution prevention, conservation, cleanup, and technology. 

PROTECT: Human health and the environment during planning, acquisition, utilization, and decision making at all levels of the command. 

MAINTAIN: Access to training lands by effectively managing the natural and cultural resources under our stewardship. 

PROMOTE: Aggressive environmental programs to ensure compliance with all applicable Federal, state, and local laws and regulations. 

INTEGRATE: The pollution prevention ethic into all activities through source reduction, resource recovery, and recycling. 

ENHANCE: Outreach activities with local communities by openly addressing environmental issues.
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