Travel Diary: Secretary Clinton Travels to Europe, Asia, and the Middle East

Posted by DipNote Bloggers / July 06, 2012

Secretary Clinton boards plane in Beirut, Lebanon, April 26, 2009. [State Department Photo]

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On July 6, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton begins an eight-nation trip to France, Japan, Mongolia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Egypt, and Israel. In France, Secretary Clinton will attend the third meeting of the Friends of the Syrian People to consult with her colleagues on steps to increase pressure on the Assad regime and to support UN-Arab League Special Envoy Annan's efforts to end the violence and facilitate a political transition to a post-Assad Syria. While in Paris, Secretary Clinton will consult with French leaders regarding next steps on Syria as well as on a number of other key areas of global concern. As part of her ongoing consultations with senior Palestinian and Israeli leaders, the Secretary will also meet with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to discuss both parties' efforts to pursue a dialogue and build on President Abbas' exchange of letters with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

After her travel to France, Secretary Clinton will begin her six-day excursion through Asia. Her first stop will be Tokyo, Japan, to attend the July 8 Conference on Afghanistan, where she will reaffirm the United States' enduring commitment to the Afghan people and join the international community in supporting Afghanistan's development needs for the "transformation decade" to begin in 2015. Secretary Clinton will then travel to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, where she will meet with President Elbegdorj and Prime Minister Batbold to address the meeting of the Governing Council of the Community of Democracies, as well as an international women's conference. On July 10, she travels to Hanoi, Vietnam, where she will meet with senior Vietnamese leaders to witness the signing of several agreements covering education exchanges and commercial contracts.

As the first Secretary of State to set foot in Laos in 57 years, Secretary Clinton will embark on a groundbreaking visit to the country. In Vientiane, the Secretary will meet with Prime Minister Thongsing Thammavong and other senior government officials to discuss a variety of bilateral and regional issues, including the Lower Mekong Initiative and ASEAN integration efforts.

To conclude her travels in Asia, Secretary Clinton will participate in regional conferences and bilateral meetings in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Regional conferences include the ASEAN Regional Forum, the East Asia Summit Foreign Ministers Meeting, and the U.S.-ASEAN Post-Ministerial Conference. Secretary Clinton will co-chair the Lower Mekong Initiative (LMI) Ministerial as well as chair the Friends of the Lower Mekong Ministerial Meeting. Secretary Clinton will also participate in bilateral meetings with senior Cambodian leadership. After Phnom Penh, Secretary Clinton will travel to Siem Reap to deliver the keynote address at the Lower Mekong Initiative Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment Dialogue on July 13.

The following day, Secretary Clinton will begin her travels in the Middle East. On July 14, Secretary Clinton will travel to Egypt to express the United States' support for Egypt's democratic transition and economic development. She will conclude her travels in Egypt by holding several meetings with government officials in addition to inaugurating the U.S. Consulate General in Alexandria. The final stop of Secretary Clinton's trip will be Israel, where she will meet with Israeli leadership to discuss peace efforts and a range of regional and bilateral issues of mutual concern.

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W.W. writes:

Travelling for the old new wild world disorder :

The Global Financial Dictatorship (nwo) Vs. Islam iran syria and brics

Having coped with Libya, the West is ready to hunt down new victims, Syria and Iran being next on the hit list. The campaign against Syria runs into major roadblocks as the country's leader Bashar al-Assad offered the society a package of reforms which are indeed long overdue, while Russia and Iran prevented the UN Security Council from passing a resolution that could expose Syria to an intervention modeled on the one recently faced by Libya. As a result, the West's plans for Syria are being adjusted to current circumstances, and at the moment the West's bet is on destabilizing the country from within by combined efforts of the Western intelligence community, foreign mercenaries, and the local fifth column. A revolution was similarly attempted in Iran but met with well-organized resistance, and the international sanctions imposed on Iran may create certain problems but are not lethal to its economy. Moreover, the enforcement of “democracy” in Iraq and Libya had a sobering effect even on Iran's pro-western political forces. Yet, the impression is that at the moment the Western leaders simply cannot wait for new revolution opportunities to arise.

The collapse of the USSR, which, by the way, did not result from natural causes, made the world sway towards unipolarity, but it came into being in the form of an order completely different from what Anglo-Saxon geopolitical thinkers like Alfred Mahan, Halford John Mackinder, or Nicholas John Spykman used to dream of. Their expectation was that global dominance in the future world would stem from marine power, but it became clear instead at the dawn of the XXI century that the world is ruled by the groups running global finances. Those at the helm are a conglomerate of 147 interwoven kinships controlling the global financial sector and the emission of the US dollar, the latter being a mechanism of keeping national elites across the entire world on a short leash. The Rockefeller and Rothschild clans along with the Vatican are known to play the key roles in the shadowy authority network. In the early XX century, a secret convention of US financial operators held at a US island adopted the so-called Marburg Plan premised in the assumption that power was essentially an asset, but the costliest one and as such had to belong to the richest. The plan could not materialize as long as the USSR was in place and became completely realistic after its collapse. As of today, the keys to the international politics are in the hands of the global financial oligarchy with its network of financial centers, national and transnational banks, governance bodies like the IMF and the World Bank, research centers, and secret political headquarters, and with its own money-printing press officially titled the US Federal Reserve. The objectives of the global financial oligarchy, already accomplished or currently pursued, are:

• Setting money as the core value of human existence and the main value for nations and societies;

• Linking all national currencies, along with the national economies, to the US dollar;

• Inducing the transparency of national borders for financial flows, products, and services;

• Forming controllable “elites” that act in the interests of the global financial community and the dispatch of the “elites” to positions of authority worldwide;

• Achieving total control over individual and collective conduct in the economic and political spheres.

The arsenal of instruments employed by the global financial oligarchy is enormous and includes corruption, arranged bankruptcies, defamation, and terrorism along with the elimination of nation states and the unleashing of wars. The system as a whole, therefore, deserves to be regarded as a global financial dictatorship equipped with an ideology of fascism. The underlying formula of this type of rule is that everything is doable with money

who will win the final battle west idol or the gentiles ? moses or western pharaos ? will history change this time ?

Posted on Sat Jul 07, 2012

Peter in Texas writes:

WOW!!! That is quite a travel schedule!!! Safe journies, Madame Secretary!! Thanks for all that you do to represent the United States :)

Posted on Fri Jul 06, 2012

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