
Monthly Archives: June 2012

The clock is ticking.  Without House Republican action before July 1st, construction workers will find themselves without work and the safety of our roads and bridges will hang in the balance.  Not to mention that students will be forced to … Continue reading

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This morning, Speaker Boehner released a video attempting to pin blame on President Obama and Democrats for the Congressional Republicans’ failure to act on job-creation legislation. Speaker Boehner’s video is an attempt to mask the fact that the House GOP … Continue reading

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Last month, House Republicans chose to play politics with victims of domestic violence and pass a weakened, GOP version of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) that limits protections for certain classes of individuals instead of a bipartisan, Senate-passed version.  … Continue reading

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House Republicans aren’t just jeopardizing our economic recovery by blocking a job-creating, Senate-passed transportation bill – they’re jeopardizing the safety of the American people.  And that risk was unmistakable at the International Bridge Conference on Monday: Essential Public Radio – … Continue reading

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As Leader Pelosi said last week, “Instead of heading home, we should stay here in the House and pass the middle income tax cuts to help restore stability and certainty for America’s families, workers, and businesses.” Despite the urgent need … Continue reading

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House Democrats called on Speaker Boehner and the GOP to cancel next week’s recess and stay in session to address America’s top priorities.  House Republicans refused – choosing to run the clock out on the economy instead of working round-the-clock … Continue reading

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Today, in a moment of Cantor, Speaker Boehner shockingly admitted he is ready to give up on creating construction jobs this year. Roll Call – John Boehner Would Add Highway Bill to Lame-Duck Agenda Speaker John Boehner today said he … Continue reading

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As Speaker Boehner continues his legal boondoggle to defend the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act in the federal courts, he is batting 0 for 4.  Today’s ruling in Windsor vs. U.S. marks the fourth loss for his lawyers as the … Continue reading

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Today, Leader Pelosi called on Speaker Boehner to cancel next week’s recess and get to work on passing the transportation bill. With overwhelming bipartisan support, the Senate voted 74-22 in March to pass a bill that would immediately save or … Continue reading

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Where are House Republicans?  The House GOP is preparing to leave town on Friday for another week-long recess without getting to work on bipartisan jobs bills and middle class priorities. CONSTRUCTION JOBS LEGISLATION A bipartisan construction jobs bill that creates … Continue reading

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