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Tourism Development

Tourism development can be an important part of a community's strategy for building a sustainable economic future. Many Appalachian communities have developed successful tourism strategies based on the Region's cultural heritage, history, and natural beauty.

ARC supports a wide variety of tourism projects, including

  • building and rehabilitating facilities and infrastructure to make the Region more accessible and attractive to visitors;
  • training artisans and artists to improve their business and marketing skills;
  • developing strategic plans and feasibility studies to help communities maximize the potential of their cultural assets; and
  • investing in new technologies that create new experiences for visitors.

Each project has specific and community-based goals, but all contribute to the overall impact of  tourism as a key component in building long-term economic health in the Region.

Some tourism projects are funded through ARC's Asset-Based Development Initiative.

ARC Tourism Advisory Council
In 2002, ARC formed an advisory council to help leverage regional collaboration to increase tourism in the Appalachian Region. The ARC Tourism Advisory Council works to identify and conduct activities that add value to Appalachian states, attract multiple partners, and economically benefit Appalachian communities. Council members include representatives from all 13 Appalachian states.

Tourism Development Links

Research Reports
Examples of Tourism Development Projects
ARC Tourism Advisory Council Members
ARC–National Geographic Geotourism Project